Here’s what we’ll be learning this month: ELA – Building readers is the name of the game. It is the district’s goal to have your child reading on an 18 by the end of first grade to be successful in the following grades. Have your child read on their level every day! Read to your child books that are more difficult but interesting to listen to. Math- We must master our addition and subtraction facts before second grade! Yikes! Your child should be practicing every day, quiz them in the car, while you’re making dinner, anywhere. Please make this something that is practiced every day! We are starting off the school year with graphing. Science- In science we will talk about what a scientist does. Social Studies- We will be learning about classroom rules and routines. Students will bring home a daily folder and reader EVERY DAY! Please check this folder daily for important information. Students will also have readers to practice reading every day. First grade students should read every night for 15 minutes. Homework will consist of spelling words, Fundations practice (phonics), and math practice. Homework will be due Friday morning. If you have not brought in all of your school supplies, please bring those in as soon as possible. Students will need a pencil box for class. Classroom Birthdays: If you would like to bring a treat to celebrate your child’s birthday please bring it at 2:50 along with paper items to serve them.