Rugby pass By Eugene Henson
When the pass is being drawn back the right shoulder is abducting in this movement the muscles used would be the deltoid being the agonist, latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major being the antagonists. When it comes back it adducts in this movement the muscles used are the deltoid which is the antagonist, latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major are the agonist. The bones used would be the humorous, clavicle and scapula, also the joint used Is the shoulder joint.
Execution While the pass is being thrown, the movement in your shoulder is addiction and abduction the muscles used would be the deltoid, latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major, plus the joints used in this movement would be your shoulder joint , also the movement in your legs would be extension in your knee and the muscle being the antagonist would be the hamstring and the agonist would be the quadricep, the joints used in this movement would be the knee joint and the hip joint