Sept 29 , 2017 You need your journals English I Pre-AP Sept 29 , 2017 You need your journals
Learning Target Today we will: close read non-fiction So We Can: learn how to break down difficult text I’ll Know I Have It When: I can explain why a country would choose to create a communist government
Due Today Prepositions practice due today. Chapters 8-10 due next Tuesday.
Animal Farm Calendar Chapters 1-4 Thursday 9/21 Chapters 5-7 Tuesday 9/26 Chapters 8-10 Tuesday 10/3 Final Exam Thursday 10/12
Big Questions English I Pre-AP Search for Identity Why do humans seek class structure in society? How can we change society? What makes a great friend? What would you do for a friend?
What is an allegory Add this defn to Animal Farm notes: Definiton of allegory: story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. "Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey
Purpose Based on what we have read, explain why a country might want to create a government based on communism. Support your answer with relevant and specific details from “The Communist Manifesto.” Highlight the important verbs Underline the details.
Purpose Rewrite the question as an answer. The reasons why a country might want to create a government based on communism are _____________, _______________, and _______________.
Ponder As we go through “The Communist Manifesto,” consider how this relates to the events in Animal Farm.
Communist Manifesto In your groups, continue the Guided Reading for Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848 in the midst of European upheaval, a time when capitalist industrialization had spread from England to France and Germany. Marx and Engels were Germans who studied and worked in France and England. In the Manifesto, they imagine a revolution that will transform all of Europe. What is a manifesto? Based on the word, what do you think the authors might want to accomplish?
Ponder As we go through “The Communist Manifesto,” consider how this relates to the events in Animal Farm.
Purpose Rewrite the question as an answer. The reasons why a country might want to create a government based on communism are _____________, _______________, and _______________.
Reflection In journal: What did you learn from the research? Eraser – What do you need to correct/fix? Highlighter- Where do you need to focus your attention? Paper Clip- What do you need to hold onto/remember? Puzzle Piece- What confused you? Rubber Band- What did you learn? Where did you grow? What stretched your thinking?
Learning Target Today we will: close read non-fiction So We Can: learn how to break down difficult text I’ll Know I Have It When: I can explain why a country would choose to create a communist government
CBA Please put your name at the top Use highlighters Must use text evidence for 1-9. Must be actual words from the story. It can be as few as 2/3 words. This text evidence must be next to your chosen answer. Highlighting or putting “paragraph 3” is not sufficient. Question #8 should read “In what way are Sarita and the narrator in Hound Dog the same.” For questions 10-15, briefly cite the grammar rule next to the answer. Bring it to me to check when finished. Finished? Bubble your answers.
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PDF OF Animal Farm
Complete the Animal Farm handout You will need to read chapters 8-10. Answer in paragraphs, not single sentences. You may work together, but your answers/sentences must be your own words. Submit to Moodle Finished? Start reviewing for Animal Farm test on 10/12 (Thursday).