Loders Neighbourhood Plan The process
Important Key Stages An open event held to gather support to undertake the process Formation of steering group Defining our proposed NP area Seeking funding Community consultation and surveys Preparing our draft NP Consultation on our draft NP Independent examination of our NP Referendum and adoption
Stage1. Initial open event to gather support to undertake the process Organised by the Parish Council and well publicised All known village groups informed and invited to send representative Presentation about Neighbourhood Plans Establish extent of possible local support for instituting NP Identify local issues of concern – feedback sheet Recruit members for a Steering Group Issues raised were collated and presented to the next meeting of the PC PC takes lead –managers of project Publicity Village groups—included some outside interests 3
Main issues raised at initial meeting Fate of redundant farm buildings Concerns about small farms and businesses Preservation of landscape and rural environment Wish to protect village amenities: pub, school, village hall, allotments Possibility of new homes in village—possible types, numbers, range of need, relationship to existing character of village Second homes – concerns about their impact High degree of interest in those attending the meeting to form a steering group
Stage 2. Formation of steering group Recruited from volunteers at initial meeting Included some parish councillors Represented good cross section of community 15 members at outset Parish clerk attended and recorded all SG meetings SG chaired by Parish council chair SG reported to PC
Stage 3 Defining our proposed NP area Statutory requirement – Loders chose the area within the Parish boundary Formal application made to the District Council Planning Department Agreement sought from statutory consultees by WDDC: English Heritage, utility companies, Environment, Marine and Highways agencies and electoral services
Stage 4 Seeking funding Initially, in 2011, funding via Dorset Community Action Now funding available from Locality, currently £8000
Stage 5 Community consultation and surveys Whole village individual consultation: Loders Parish Survey July 2012 Questionnaire on range of issues produced by SG, delivered to and collected from every household. Designed to accommodate individual responses by all household members over age of 11. 81% households returned completed surveys Survey report published and delivered to every household April 2013 Survey data analysed by SG. Provided mandate for NP and formed basis of the NP
Stage 5 Community consultation and surveys Village Open meeting May 2013 to present and discuss Survey Report recruit new members for SG to prepare NP based on Report’s findings. Also presentation by WDDC Planning Dept. on “Neighbourhood Planning” Consultation/presentation evening for draft NP policies September 2014 All households circulated with invitation and outline draft of main proposed NP policies Presentation by WDDC planning officer Feedback sessions on draft policies Focus on Defined Development Boundary (DDB) and choices facing parish
Stage 5 Community consultation and surveys Village vote on DDB options October 2014 All households circulated with leaflet and voting options Results collated and chosen option adopted by SG and Parish Council and incorporated into the final LNP draft Draft Plan Consultation Feb-March 2015 All households consulted and draft NP made available Drop in sessions Statutory consultees consulted including WDDC Responses collated and NP amended by SG where appropriate April 2015 LNP Submission draft lodged with WDDC for their consultative stage
Stage 6 Preparing our draft NP Key draft policies based on responses to Parish Village Survey 2012: Facilitate limited residential development to up to 10 new houses over next 15 years within a DDB Type and location of new housing: infill, single or small groups. Small family homes or for first time buyers Facilitate development or reuse of redundant farm building –housing or small businesses Protection of parish community assets Safeguard character of the village/parish and its environment Encourage local business to ensure village remains active working community
Stage 6 Preparing our draft NP Steering group 10 – 15 members. Collaborative effort with focus on consensus. Tasks shared between members Benefited from range of skills: photographer, local historian, planners, researchers, statistician, excellent admin/clerical support, strong local knowledge, working people and the retired Time line structure (amended a number of times!) to keep us on track Good support throughout from the WDDC planning department Previous Loders village surveys: Village Design Statement, Conservation Area Appraisal, Village Appraisal which supplied key information In early stages, good training offered by Locality In final stage we employed a free-lance planning consultant to support writing our final draft Good working relationship between the Steering Group and Parish Council
Stage 6 Preparing our draft NP Neighbourhood Plan Documents Loders Neighbourhood Plan Loders Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Summary Basic Conditions Statement Strategic Environmental Assessment
Stage 8 Independent examination of our NP October 2015 WDDC applied to the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Service November 2015 Loders Parish Council chose from shortlist January 2016 Examiner’s Report issued—approval to some modifications and amendments February 2016 modifications and amendments agreed between WDDC and SG/Loders Parish Councils and post examination draft LNP produced March 2016 final draft accepted by WDDC Executive Committee
Stage 9 Referendum and adoption March to May Referendum publicised – every household notified and sent executive summary by PC Drop in sessions held May 5th Referendum held: 175 (83%) in favour of LNP, turnout 39.8
Final thoughts Important to Involve as much of community as possible – good cross section Have masses of energy and keep momentum going Find sources of good advice Keep good records Foster goodwill Share information Work towards maintaining consensus