I Could Sell More If Only I Could… Developing a More Effective Sales Process I Could Sell More If Only I Could…
Good, Bad & Ugly Pre-work: Completed 3 WBTs including: ESS Overview, Crucial Elements, Record Collection Prework for this session includes: Completing 3 WBTs – online modules including: ESS Overview, Crucial Elements, Record Collection Bring completed Success Formula (reviewed by Mgr) These printed materials were developed exclusively for the use of ACTG and shall remain the sole and exclusive proprietary materials of ACTG. Permission to use, redistribute or otherwise publish these materials must be attained in writing from ACTG. I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Today’s Agenda Objectives Your Sales Approach Buyers & Sellers Effective Selling System Three Habits Rules Action Plans I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
My Current Sales Steps (Sales Mapping) My Sales Steps Describe Execution Level (1 to 10) 1. Identify Prospect Evaluate best clients 2. Contact them Research, Linkedin, call list 3. Set apt. Identify need to meet 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My Current Sales Steps (Sales Mapping) Group exercise – first couple filled in, have them change and complete the rest. Rate themselves I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Buyers and Sellers I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Buying & Selling: The Objectives The Buyer Get information Compare Get better pricing The Seller Establish rapport Discuss problems Get the prospect talking Why do they do what they do – list several objectives: Keep someone honest, get information, compare, look good, get better pricing, better service, pick your brain, standard operating procedure, defend a current decision, not buy, do not get attached to you, be informed Notice that there typically is one thing that never gets added to the list – buy something today, or make a decision today. You need to inquire as to why it is NEVER added to the list. Never added to the list over 14 years no one has put that on the list. Someone might say, “it’s a given” then you say then why isn’t on the list. The challenge here is to help them understand two things: Because we aren’t prepared for someone that might actually buy we typically don’t ask for the order even when someone is in a lot of “pain”. We’ve been trained to go back to the office run a proposal and get back to them. So much for creating urgency. The second issue is that this is probably reflective of our own buying cycle. You will get into this later A third item to discuss is how if they started thinking that someone might actually be ready to make a decision how might that change their thinking, approach and preparation for initial meetings. Why we do what we do: Again using the sales process that the group has already identify we need to take the current strategy and find out why they use that strategy – what are their objectives in using that strategy. The usual answer, and you have to set this up by telling them that this is not a trick question though later you will tell them that it was a trick question: What is the primary objective for seeing prospects? SELL. Then you need to get into the secondary objectives: Establish bonding, identify needs, discuss problems, get information: current provider, what they are happy with, not happy with, how much they are paying etc. Some may talk about qualifying. Etc but eventually we need to ask what step in our strategy usually leads to someone saying yes or no? Making a presentation. The faster I can present the faster I can close the faster I can close the faster I can sell them something so I can get to another unqualified prospect and go through the process again. Its an approach of let’s see what sticks. This is the reason for closing ratios less than 66%. List the problems associated with this list of objectives; The solution – change paradigm (not change for 20 cents) – change from I have to sell something to _ I have to find out if this prospect qualifies to do business with me and my company. And then go to ground rules of the sales process I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Effective Selling I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
The 10% Difference Behaviors & Ratios 48 weeks Improvement 10% # of Initial Sales Calls 41 45 Calls to Sales Opportunities 50% 55% # of Sales Opportunities 21 25 Sales Opportunities to Pitch 75% 83% # of Pitches 16 Pitches to Commitments # of Commitments 8 12 Commitments to Closes 90% # of Closes 7 11 Avg. Size Account 75,000 82,500 NB Sales/professional 525,000 907,500 Why should they work on having a more effective selling system? IF YOU COULD ALMOST DOUBLE YOUR PRODUCTION BY IMPROVING JUST 10% IN 3 AREAS, WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED? The goal here is not to engage in the details of the numbers but to have them recognize that by just increasing a small percentage in a couple of areas, the compounding effect is significant! Can you make 4 more calls? Can they make 5 more pitches? I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
My Success Formula Initial (first-time) or Total Prospect Call Goal My Personal %s of Success Weekly Monthly Initial (first-time) or Total Prospect Call Goal Opportunity uncovered for New Relationship Pitched the Prospect to Win the Relationship Prospect Commits to move relationship to Key You close the Business for a Prospect Conversion How much time are you spending on Prospecting? Prospect Call# Minutes/ Activity Minutes/Week Hours/Week My Prospect Call Number Pre Call Planning for Prospect Call Travel for Prospect Call Post Call Reviewing for Prospect Call Activities to Set Future Prospect Calls Most have probably not completed a success formula yet as production goals for new RMs kick in months 3 or 6 depending on LOB. Goal here is to introduce the idea to help them get to the 10% improvement. Have them review for a minute and they will fill out in last module as they build their sales plan. I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
KeyBank’s Effective Selling System Commitment of Time, $, Resources (TMR) - How much is this costing? - Who else? - Who wins a tie? Pitch Close = Close for a Decision - Review and agree - Prioritize solutions - Present and answer ALL questions? - 1 – 10 agreement - Ask – What now? Engage Pursue Clarity = Agreement & Commitment - Review SMA, TMR - Establish DM process - Agree to a decision Compelling Motivation = SMA - What has to happen…? - Drill down - Do you want to fix it? - Discover goals & objectives We will spend the next 2 days going through each base of the selling process, this is an overview. This is how you improve your execution step by step for the 10% difference! Close Cultivate & Grow I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
3 Habits of Successful Salespeople I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Habit 1 Develop mutually beneficial relationships Effort Develop Effective Communication (DEC) Stewardship (other focused) I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Habit 2 Dis/qualify the prospect to do business with you SMA Budget Commitment I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
Habit 3 Motivate prospects to make timely decisions Create/Identify Problem Create Urgency Agree to Timeframes and Decision I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
The Sales Rules Don’t look, act or sound like a salesperson You cannot trust the prospect Your job is to find out if the prospect qualifies to do business with you and your firm ABP – Always be Prospecting Pain is what motivates prospects to take action I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017
MAP: My Action Plans Action Items Next Step By When? 1. 2. 3. 16 I Would Sell More ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2017 16