Warm-up- VOICE OFF Please write Unit 1 NOTES: today’s date Write this Quote in Unit 1 NOTES “American Sign Language is of great value to the deaf, but could also be of great benefit to the hearing as well…. It is superior to spoken language in its beauty and emotional expressiveness. It brings kindred souls into a much more close and conscious communion than mere speech can possibly do.” -Thomas H Gallaudet, 1848 Blue Book in back corner in the cupboard Page 1 # 1, 2, 4, and 11. Practice FS (FINGERSPELLING). Read Page 1-7 for PUT SUMMARY INTO Notes so you know them for UNIT 1 TEST. ALL (FS, Common Errors, accent steps, FYI & I want to know) blue boxes. *REMEMBER turn in Paper Syllabus if you haven’t * Start Independently practicing your finger spelling. When you see someone finished, partner up and practice Your name What? My name…Nice to meet you.
Fingerspelling FS is only used 10% of the time in ASL. FS WHEN?? People’s name Brand names Book and movies titles City and State Names If you don’t know a sign gesture it out or use signs that you could put together to get your point across.
TIPS FOR FS Keep your hand relaxed, to the right of your face or to left if your left handed, and below your chin. Make sure your palm is facing the person you are talking to. Keep your elbow down and close to your body. Don’t say or mouth the letters. Aim for articulation, not speed. Right now, you just want to make sure you form the letters correctly so people will understand you. Try not to bounce your hand as you spell, or you will make someone very dizzy! Also allow a slight pause between words. When reading FS make sure you look at the whole word, and not just the individual letters. Look at handshape and movement, because some deaf people wont FS all of the letters in the word. SOUND it out, not say the letters. It is just like reading, but you are reading the sign.
Activity 1. Ask as many students fast as you can in 2 minutes to tell you their names. After each person spells their name to you, repeat it back using Fingerspelling to make sure you understand it. How many people can you name in the class?
What’s your name?
As in: last name or last in line Last, final As in: last name or last in line
What’s up?
How are you? Jim Borgman
I’m fine
to be Busy
to be Confused
to be Good, well
to be Happy
Nothing, not much
Same old, the usual
to be Tired
Greetings- Vocabulary- Voice Off Unit 1 Hello/Hi What’s Up? How are you? To be Busy Confused Fine To be good, well To be happy Nothing, not much Same old, the usual Sleepy So-so To be tired
Dialogue Student A Student B STUDENT A/B Hi, How are you? HI YOU HOW? Student B I am (Put in any of the words you just learned) fine. How are you? I ( )FINE. YOU HOW? STUDENT A/B BYE, BYE
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