Energy Forms and Transformations Objective: Examine the various forms of energy in order to identify and describe specific energy transformations.
DIRECTIONS: Use the information contained on the following slides to complete your “Energy Concept Web”. Advance to the next slide by clicking your mouse or by pressing the “down arrow” key one time.
Energy the “stuff” that makes “stuff do stuff” OR the ability to do work. (W=F x D) (F=force d=distance)
Types (kinds) of Energy KE (kinetic energy) PE (potential energy)
Forms of energy Mechanical Heat/Thermal Chemical Electrical Electromagnetic Nuclear
Mechanical Energy Energy of motion or position Sound, wind, waterfall, compressed spring KE or PE Not 100% efficient much lost to heat
Heat/Thermal Energy The internal motion of an objects atoms and molecules. Measured by temperature. The faster particles move, the more thermal energy they have. KE only
Chemical Energy Energy stored by chemical bonds in an object. When bonds are broken energy is released. PE only gasoline, food, coal, wood
Electrical Energy Moving electrical charges. Electricity from batteries, power lines, lightning KE
Electromagnetic Energy energy that travels in waves; have electrical and magnetic properties Light, Magnetism, X-Rays, Radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolent and infrared radiation KE
Nuclear Energy Energy stored in center(nucleus) of an atom Fission (breaking apart) Fusion (forming) The sun Most powerful PE only
completed the activity, Click on the link below to practice identifying energy forms! Interactive Review of Forms of Energy When you have completed the activity, press the "back" button.
Click on the link below to take a practice quiz on forms of energy! Forms of Energy Brainpop (Username: bcps Password: brainpop) When you have logged in, type in “forms of energy” in the search box; then take the pop quiz.
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