Energy exists in different forms. Forms of Energy Energy exists in different forms. Learning Goal: Identify the two general types of energy as kinetic energy and potential energy.
I. Different forms of energy have different uses. Energy – causes change to occur Different forms of energy cause change in different ways
1. Mechanical energy 2. Sound energy results from the vibration of particles Structures within the ear detects tiny vibrations Cannot travel through empty space (needs air) energy that moves objects turning a key
stored in the chemical composition of matter 3. Chemical energy 4. Thermal energy stored in the chemical composition of matter Depends on types and arrangements of atoms energy from the movement of particles in matter Heat
5. Electromagnetic energy 6. Nuclear energy transmitted as electromagnetic waves Can travel through empty space Ex: visible light, x-rays, microwaves comes from the nucleus (center of atom) Holds nuclear particles together Released when nucleus falls apart or 2 nuclei join together Keeps Sun burning
II. Kinetic energy and potential energy are the two general types of energy. Kinetic energy – energy of motion Increases as mass increases Increases as speed increases
Potential energy – stored energy due to an objects position (gravity) due to an objects chemical composition (the atoms it contains) Ex: jack in the box Compressed spring = increased potential energy Released spring = decreased potential energy
Potential energy changes to kinetic energy Chemical energy is potential energy Stored within chemical bonds Ex: fuel
Identify the forms of energy … Item A B C D E F G Answer Electrical Thermal Electromagnetic Mechanical Nuclear Potential Kinetic
Learning Goal: Identify the two general types of energy as kinetic energy and potential energy. Time to Self-Assess: 5 – Mastered it! 4 – Own it! 3 – Getting there! 2 – So confused! 1 – No clue!