Summary of the movie thus far… Mandella is president. Rugby team wins their first game against Australia in the World Cup. There is still a lot of segragation: Black population doesn`t really support the team. (represents apartheid)- the team get more involved in Black communities Blacks support other teams Chester is hurt for this game, only black player on the team. The kids in the black community were cheering for Chester. Conflict among black and white security – when they win the game both a white and black security guard celebrate. National anthem is not accepted among all players. The rugby team`s actions outshine his words and his speeches. He wants to show the world that they are a multicultural and multi race country. Mandella is trying to draw attention to boost the economy.
Our Ideas from class In the beginning In the end There is fear of segregation being reversed. (Revenge) Rugby brought the two races together as they won. Interacting with the youth Chester was on the team and his face on the plane Bringing back the national anthem We could see blacks and whites celebrating together after their victory. They were more accepting of each other. White people were worried that black people would take their jobs. Black and white security worked together. Black security guards did not trust the white guards, because what was done to them in the past and what was done to Mandella. One team can represent two races. In the film, when different races interacted they were wary, there a lot of tension.