GET READY!!!! Please Remain Quiet 4. Put the Proper HEADING 3/25/16 GET READY!!!! 1. Come in Quietly! 2. Take out: pen/pencil highlighter 3. TAKE 1 FROM THE TAKE 1 4. Put the Proper HEADING on the PAPER Name……. Date…….. Period….. Please Remain Quiet
Journal Prompt 1 X 2 X 10 Writing Strategy WHAT MAKES A GOOD STUDENT? Each year, when teachers get their class lists, they hope for a productive year with many good students. In 7-9 sentences…. Write: What does it mean to be a good student? Make a list of characteristics that go into making a good student. 1 topic 2 reasons/or evidence (2 paragraphs) 10 minutes
Let’s unpack the standards! Where we are now… Where we want to be by the end of the lesson! Let’s unpack the standards!
Standards…we EXCEED them! 7th Grade D-Engage in discussions with your class, your peer group, your teacher and with individual students. (ELAGSE6SL1) R-Locate and cite textual evidence from the informational article you read. (ELAGSE6RI1) A-Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (ELAGSE6L1) W-Reflect and connect to the reading by writing routinely over shorter time frames to (ELAGSE6W10) Question(s) to consider while …… READING, DISCUSSING, WRITING AND LEARNING Will I be able to connect with the information highlighted in articles/lyrics? Will I be able to identify a similarity, problem, cause and effect similar to our reading and respond to it? Standards…we EXCEED them! 7th Grade
While Reading …………… Annotations Thinking Notes BOX headings and subheadings UNDERLINE main ideas and topic sentences QUESTION mark unfamiliar words and phrases CIRCLE key words or vocab related to the topic COMMENT on each section in the margin CONCLUDE/SUMMARIZE each section in 1 sentence This Helps Me Stay Focused Read with a Purpose Write Better
“Say Something” “I thought it was interesting…” “It shocked me…” While you are reading this article, you will stop to share something with the people you are reading with. You can share an interesting fact that you learned, a question that you might have, or a response you have to something that you read about. “I thought it was interesting…” “It shocked me…” “I noticed that...” “While reading, I learned that...” “The graph/image shows...” “The speaker/writer describes...” “There are three essential ideas in this text. The first...” “I wonder…” “How come…” “This reminds me of…” “I don’t get it…” “I agree/disagree…”
READING --------------- With her eyes on her goals
Click each picture for a video! Goals—video—shhhh! Click each picture for a video!
Read 1, Speak 2, Write 3 Read 1 Silently read a portion of a text; you can read a paragraph, a section, a stanza in a poem, or a whole page of text. Speak 2 Pair off and discuss the reading. Typically, you want to talk about what you noticed in the text, what you understand from the reading, or what you think are the main ideas on the page. Write 3 Go back to the text and write three essential ideas next to the selection you just read, in your notes • The main ideas in this passage are... • I understand... • I learned that... • There are three key ideas in this passage: 1) __; 2) __; 3) __.
Vision/Goals Be specific Do not limit your goals because you are unsure how they will manifest Always write the goal in the present tense Write goals for you – not others Revisit the vision board
CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE: -Explain how Luisa and her family make money to get by. Use what we have learned in milestone Monday—RACE! ___ Restate the question ___ Answer the question ___ Cite the source ___ Explain the answer
Create a list of goals/vision for you On an index card……….Answer these questions Which people do you love and want to have around you? What would you like to be really good at? What would you really like to have or do? How would you like to feel? What would be your best day ever? Goals for Board: 7-9 goals Good Grades Listen Go to Cooking School Learn how to Swim Go to College A vision board may be a combination of life areas such as school, friends, extra-curricular, family, and/or health or it may only highlight one life area such as school. A vision board is created by pasting images and words on a poster board to display the individual goals. The images can be magazine photos, personal photos, or hand drawn pictures and sketches. As well, the words can be cut from magazines.
PLAN YOUR VISION After creating answering the questions and creating your list….. Tell us about your vision for yourself in 7-9 sentences A vision can include combination of life areas such as school, friends, extra-curricular, family, and/or health You will then create a VISION BOARD Look at magazines to find pictures and words that represent their goals. As well, students may draw pictures or write words to represent their goals.