Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: www.livingstonesnewforest.org.uk
Tithing Genesis 28 v 20 – 22 Genesis 14 v 20 and Hebrews 7 v 2 Jacob offers a tithe Not required of him but a recognition of God’s provision Genesis 14 v 20 and Hebrews 7 v 2 Abraham Gave tithes to Melchizadek Not required of him but given as a thanksgiving offering for God’s provision Descriptive not prescriptive No indication of how it is to be paid No indication of when it is to be paid
Tithing Jacob made a vow Genesis 28 v 20 Jacob returned to the place where God spoke to him (Bethel) and made an offering – part of the payment of the vow Genesis 35 v 12 & 13 Psalm 50 v 14 Psalm 66 v 13 Psalm 76 v 11 A vow is encouraged but voluntary, not demanded and not owed until pledged
Salvation by grace trough faith – not by The Law Tithing Law set aside in Christ John 1 v 17 Romans 5 v 20 & 21 Romans 6 v 14 & 15 Galatians 2 v 21 Galatians 5 Hebrews 7 v 12 & 16 & 19 Salvation by grace trough faith – not by The Law Often cast aside when it comes to money Malachi 3 v 8 misused and misquoted Malachi written under The Law
Not a New Testament Concept!! Tithing New Testament mentions tithing as follows: Matthew 23 v 23 where they tithed the easy things and neglected weightier matters – if you make a vow, honour it! Luke 11 v 39 and onwards Luke 18 v 9 – 14 & 18 – 30 Broadly these scriptures emphasise that it is the heart attitude that counts not the legal precision of the tithe or the pride it sometimes brings. However, all of this was still under The Law Not a New Testament Concept!!
Tithing What were the rules of tithing in the Old Testament? Leviticus 27 v 30 – 33 Explains what the tithe is, generally, but does not say specifically what should be paid and when Numbers 18 v 8 begins to expand upon the whys and wherefores of tithing Key verse 24 – not the whole tithe but a heave offering from the tithe Key verse 26 – Levites to give a tithe of the tithe Key verse 29 – then eat of the rest – you eat your tithe! Deuteronomy gave instruction as to how the Jews should conduct themselves when they entered the Promised Land
Tithing Deuteronomy 12 v 10 – The Tabernacle or the Temple Shiloh or Jerusalem 12 v 26 & 27 They eat the meat of their own tithe in the presence of The Lord They celebrate his gift by consuming His provision in His presence 14 v 22 & 23 Confirms this and goes on to say that there is a provision for those who live far off. V 26 – convert it to money and spend it on, “whatever thy soul lusteth after” At the end of three years store it up for the Levites, the poor, the orphans etc. Enjoy 2-years and give away the third year
Tithing Deuteronomy 26 v 12 & 13 confirms the three-year rule Amos 4 v 4 also confirms this rebuking them and exhorting them to bring their 3-yearly tithe A parallel – do not forget the Levite Look after your minister Some say tithes amounted to all of these things added together (about 30%) Not so! Also most offerings and tithes eaten by those that bring them (before The Lord)
Genesis 27: Deceit to help God What is said prescriptively in the New Testament about giving? 1 Corinthians 16 v 1-4 Give as you have prospered (or been blessed) 2 Corinthians 9 v 6 & 7 Give as you have purposed in your heart – no compulsion Heart has to be right – do not give to get more back Galatians 6 v 6 Share with those who teach you We are back to looking after your minister
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: www.livingstonesnewforest.org.uk