Assistant to the Senior Executive Vice President Minority Students: Reducing the Gaps & Moving Towards Excellence Pre-Board Meetings of The Academic Committee June 3, 2016 Yosef Jabareen Assistant to the Senior Executive Vice President for Minority Affairs
Drop-out Rate of Arab Students by Years (%)
Undergraduate Arab students at the Technion
Undergraduate Arab students at the Technion (%)
Arab Students by Gender (%)
New Female Students at the Technion in 2015-16
Arab Students by Selected Faculty: Percentage of Accepted (%) 2005 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 % N Electric Engineering 5.7 13.2 22 19.3 22.2 20 60 Civil Engineering 34.0 26.6 28.6 23.6 23.3 37 91 Computer Science 9.7 18.1 29.4 27.6 26.3 25 59 Biotechnology & Food 11.0 20.7 30.5 25.4 32.2 24 14 Faculty of Medicine 46.0 44.3 29.7 37.1 50.8 49 90 Biology 32.0 45 69.6 57.4 63.6 63 27
Selected Intervention Programs Pre-Academic Preparatory Studies Academic and Social Tutoring Mirroring the Technion website in Arabic Translating material for new students Workshops with local and international hi-tech companies Collective Impact
The Excellence Program Objectives: Increase minority students attendance in graduate studies Exposure minority students to the academic life Improve academic and soft skills Activities: Exploring the academic world: Conferences; lab; etc.. Academic mentoring Soft skills courses: Empowerment, presentation, etc. Exploring the business world: Courses, internships; summer jobs etc. Networking
Minority Academic Achievements Our study among Arab and Jewish students at the Technion founds significant associations between Academic Achievements and Bagrut Psychometric Age Gender Most Significant Factors Mathematics Preliminary studies Academic Achievements Bagrut Gender Mathematics 4 vs. 5 units Psychometric Age Preliminary studies
Distribution of First Year students by Ethnicity
From Exclusionary to Inclusionary Campus
Employment Fair Day at the Technion 2016 “Isolation” at Campus
“Segregation” at Campus Employment Fair Day at the Technion 2016 “Segregation” at Campus
Inclusionary Policies Inclusionary Campus The First in Israel Mixed Housing Shared Activities Student helps Student Diverse Administration AcknowledgMinority Holidays Acknowledge Minority Language
Strategy for the Next Five Years Academic Social Employment Excellence Inclusion Career Collective Impact VATAT Civil Society