Speaking and Writing Portions Final Exam Speaking and Writing Portions
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow Any Quias next week will be in the “A” category
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow Any Quias next week will be in the “A” category Tomorrow: Listening Portion of Final (20 points)
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow Any Quias next week will be in the “A” category Tomorrow: Listening Portion of Final (20 points) Monday: Speaking Portion of Final (30 points)
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow Any Quias next week will be in the “A” category Tomorrow: Listening Portion of Final (20 points) Monday: Speaking Portion of Final (30 points) Tuesday: Writing Portion of Final (30 points)
Timeline Quia 12B will be due tomorrow Any Quias next week will be in the “A” category Tomorrow: Listening Portion of Final (20 points) Monday: Speaking Portion of Final (30 points) Tuesday: Writing Portion of Final (30 points) Wed. or Turs.: Objective Portion of Final (100 points)
Speaking - Task
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la independencia para Cataluña?
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la independencia para Cataluña? ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto?
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la independencia para Cataluña? ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto? random selection
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la independencia para Cataluña? ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto? random selection see examples
Speaking - Task Answer 3 questions ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la independencia para Cataluña? ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto? random selection see examples Impromptu question
Speaking - Task
Speaking - Task
Speaking - Task
Speaking - Grading
Speaking - Grading Rubric based
Speaking - Grading Rubric based Fluency and Fluidity…8 points
Speaking - Grading Rubric based Fluency and Fluidity…8 points Depth of details…8 points
Speaking - Grading Rubric based Fluency and Fluidity…8 points Depth of details…8 points Grammar accuracy…7 points
Speaking - Grading Rubric based Fluency and Fluidity…8 points Depth of details…8 points Grammar accuracy…7 points Vocabulary accuracy…7 points
Speaking - Grading Rubric based Fluency and Fluidity…8 points Depth of details…8 points Grammar accuracy…7 points Vocabulary accuracy…7 points Points: 30 out of 180 for entire final exam
Writing - Task
Writing - Task Paragraph format
Writing - Task Paragraph format 20 sentences minimum (in Spanish)
Writing - Task Paragraph format 20 sentences minimum (in Spanish) Your opinion on Catalán independence
Writing - Task Paragraph format 20 sentences minimum (in Spanish) Your opinion on Catalán independence Commit to being in favor or against
Writing - Task Paragraph format 20 sentences minimum (in Spanish) Your opinion on Catalán independence Commit to being in favor or against Compare or contrast to independence movement in Texas
Writing - Task Paragraph format 20 sentences minimum (in Spanish) Your opinion on Catalán independence Commit to being in favor or against Compare or contrast to independence movement in Texas Points: 30 out of 180 for entire final exam
Writing - Grading
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points Content – Support…5 points
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points Content – Support…5 points Language – Fluency…5 points
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points Content – Support…5 points Language – Fluency…5 points Language – Comprehensibility…5 points
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points Content – Support…5 points Language – Fluency…5 points Language – Comprehensibility…5 points Language – Grammar…5 points
Writing - Grading Content – Opinion…5 points Content – Support…5 points Language – Fluency…5 points Language – Comprehensibility…5 points Language – Grammar…5 points Language – Vocabulary…5 points