Experience of two librarians Information literacy in user centricity to the students and best practices adopted: Experience of two librarians Dr. S. D. Sorokhaibam Senior Assistant Librarian (Cataloguing Head) University of Swaziland & Dr. Suresh Kumar Chauhan Librarian G D Goenka University
The University of Swaziland is the national university of Swaziland The University of Swaziland is the national university of Swaziland. It was established by act of parliament in 1982. The University Library in collaboration with the department of Academic and communication skills offers information literacy for the students by offering Library skills and English for Academic purpose to enable the students to acquire the requisite English proficiency. Teaching library skills is a part of the information literacy programme. The G D Goenka University, Gurgaon (INDIA) was established in the year 2013. Though this university is quite new but gives a special focus on student centricity. Information literacy or library orientation is an important part of student centricity, so during the orientation students are being taught to explore information in the library through a mode of presentation. Library users are being oriented about the library process, resources available and mechanism of information retrieval. They were also informed about importance of research and using authentic information. Although, it is evident that there cannot be any comparison on collection or usage between these universities as GDGU is quite new as compare to UNISWA. However, GDGU has advantage of using best technologies which UNISWA has learnt through the years. Here we tried to focus on information literacy, its impact through feedback and using best library practices to make libraries more user centric.
Identify Locate Evaluate Manage Acknowledge
Save Time Better Resources Better Grades Needs: Change in the environment Authenticity Validity Reliability Save Time Better Resources Better Grades
Services Consultations Hands on e-resources Orientation Resources
LMS/Digital Library Software Types of Library Sections Resources organization Tools Types of Library Academic Public / National Special What we teach? Acquisition Special collection Cataloguing Periodicals Circulation Reference Books Journals E-Resources Microfilms CD’s/ DVD’s Call No. Subject Catalogue card OPAC LMS/Digital Library Software
Information literate graduates of UNISWA: Able to Access Information legally and ethically Able to use a variety of tools to access Information Determine the extend of Information needed Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Evaluate Information and its source critically Able to know the different types of resources available in the library.
What resources available in the library How to locate available information Privileges to use different resources and rules to follow Ethical use of information and copyright violation Use of resources for academic and research purpose Introduction about available library services and their use Information literate graduates of G D Goenka University:
Who teaches Information Literacy? Professional staff of Library
Experience: Technology Sources Process Control Construction Extension Wisdom
Students Feedbacks overall: Start at the beginning of the session. Awareness of Library increases Citations were useful Better with library jargon More confident
Students Feedback from UNISWA Business School on IL Know more about library resources Organization Services Staff Aware of Databases and the e-resources Using e-resources was awesome Confident in doing assignment and projects Knowledge of search engine More confident in conducting research Life long learning Necessary for everyone to attend
Student feedback from G D Goenka University on IL : Knowledge about resources available in the library for issue and for using within the library premises Understand about the use of books and databases Importance of journals and their use in projects and research Awareness about the rules and regulations of the library and showed willingness to become part of library system through student coordinators or becoming members of library committees.
Student satisfaction: A questionnaire accommodating similar questions were circulated at both the campuses at end of the sessions, which bring following highlights Parameters 1. Quality of Books 2. Frequency of Visit 3. Easy retrieval 4. Satisfaction with the services 5.Comments UNISWA 1. 50% are not satisfied with library collection. 2. 30% are regular user. 3. 90% of them are able to find information. 4. 79% are satisfied with the services 5. To conduct regular training G D Goenka University 1. 41% are not satisfactory with library collection. 2. 29% are regular user. 3. 84% are able to find information. 4. 85% are satisfied with the services 5. 74% need more information. Keeping a note of outcome of this survey, both libraries brought changes in library systems by using best library practices in making student centric libraries.
Best Practices: Student centric library services To understand information requirements of students in more effective manner they were brought into the library committee to keep student centric environment in the campus. The main objective of bringing students in the committee is to have direct opinion or perspective of students on various services. To encourage students who are using library on frequent basis a ‘Special Library User Award’ is constituted.
Best Practices: Titles never have been in use: Assessment of library collection Titles never have been in use: Library staff generates the list of titles (books) which are never issued even once since accessioning. Books issued below 10 times: The statistics of titles used atleast once or above (but not more than 10 times) are also compiled. Books recovered the cost: As per the basic criteria, title issued one time recovers the 10% of its actual cost and title issued two times recovered 20% of the actual cost. Therefore, list of all titles were compiled and analyzed which were issued 10 or above times. Books on profit mode: Only books recovered the procurement cost can be included in this category. The title must have 10 checkouts multiply by number of years of existence in the library collection, e.g. Titles procured during 2012 (3 Years ago) – we tried to know that how many titles accessioned during 2012, have been issued 30 (10x3) or more times. Similarly, books procured during 2013 (2 Years ago) must get issued 20 (10x2) or more times to become on profit mode. Assessment in 2015 Parameters UNISWA GDGU Titles Never been in Use 28% 36% Issued below 10 times 37% 42% Books Recovered the cost 21% 13% Books on profit mode as per usage 14% 9%
Collection Development Best Practices: Collection Development In a recently conducted survey it was found that 50% students at UNISWA and 41% at GDGU were not satisfied with the library collection, hence, a systematic planning were done to improve the quality and quantity of needed books. Following practices were used: Recommendations from users: Students were allowed to recommend books which they wanted to read and they were also requested to comment on why they require recommended book or books in the library. Book Exhibitions: Book exhibitions / catalogues were display in key areas. Procurement of classic books: This was an ambitious project, the library team had identified top 50 management experts (thinkers) and compiled a list of their publications. In the process about 80% of published books were procured in the library whereas some of them were out of stock or out of print. Book Reviews: Book reviews which are appearing in newspapers, journals and magazines are being compiled and circulated to library users, so that they may recommend useful or needed books for the library.
Best Practices: Library footfalls An electronic gadget was installed in the entrance of library to record In/Out times of students. The recording of in/out timings of each individual visitor has brought new dimensions and challenges to strengthen library system. It helps in to understand following key factors about the visitors: Library team got to know who the frequent visitors of the library are. These regular users were requested to give valuable suggestions to make library more active and attractive in terms of services and collection. Library also got the list of students who have never stepped in the library. Library staff started meeting and interacting with students who are not visiting library to find out the obstacles or hurdles they might have been facing. It is the process to convert non-library users into library users. Help from faculty mentors of non-visitors was taken in counseling these students. Library staff tried to extend more personalized services to them.
Different privileges for different group of students Best Practices: Different privileges for different group of students The privilege for borrowing documents from the library will be different for different activists. These students can borrow less number of books for more number of days as they may not get time for reading during game practice STUDENTS Students who are scholars Students in other activities Students engaged in sports Scholar may be offered more number of books for minimum duration. These students can be charged low amount of overdue fine or if possible no overdue charges.
Thank You!!! OTHER SERVICES Initiated informative activities and games to offer other ways of learning Students are being treated with welcoming gesture in the library. More reading space was allotted. Students are allowed to have academic discussions in the library. Library staff is responsive on each and every query of the student. OTHER SERVICES Thank You!!!