Quickwrite #3 How do you see yourself in 5 years? Share with group member. Share as a class.
3 good things Class binder check Shake binders Show planners for this week
Cornell notes Write the notes in class on the right side of the paper. Highlight important information. Scratch out any unnecessary information. Write summary: in 3-4 sentences answer the essential question. Write questions on the left column to help you study. Questions should reflect the notes on the right side.
Grades Grade sheet Activity
Reflection Read your quickwrite and reflect on what you just wrote. Are your actions reflecting your goals? Why? Or why not? Use the same paper to write your reflection.
AVID grade check It’s due tomorrow during class. End of the six weeks is Sep. 30th (two weeks from today).
Volunteer opportunity DACA clinic Saturday, September 24 at 9 AM - 2 PM Reagan High School 7104 Berkman Dr., Austin, TX, 78752 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy that allows certain undocumented immigrants to the United States who entered the country before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation.
Volunteer opportunity **Volunteers sign up here: bit.ly/volunteer0924 Shifts: 8am-12:30pm & 12:00pm-4:30pm BREAKFAST for Morning volunteers and LUNCH provided for All Day volunteers! **MANDATORY TRAINING FOR APPLICATION PROCESS GUIDES: Thursday, Sept 22, 2016 from 5:30-7:30 PM at University of Texas at Austin George I. Sanchez Building (SZB) #296 1912 Speedway, Austin TX, 78705 (Light refreshments and pizza will be provided! Free parking after 5pm at the Bullock Texas State Museum) If you have any questions, you can contact us at (512)655-3222 or email us at uli.daca@gmail.com