Head of Digital Library The University of Edinburgh SWORD What, Why, and How? Stuart Lewis Head of Digital Library The University of Edinburgh Richard Jones Senior Partner CottageLabs
SWORD Simple Web service Offering Repository Deposit
SWORD Simple Web service (API) Offering Repository Resource Deposit
Protocol SWORD Client SWORD Server SWORD Protcol
Protocol HTTP Client (Web Browser) HTTP Server (Web site) HTTP Protcol
Protocol SWORD is a protocol It isn’t a tool It isn’t software You can’t download and use it You need a client You need a server They ‘talk’ using SWORD
Protocol HTTP AtomPub SWORD Language of the web Based on basic verbs: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, … Responses: 404, 200, 302, … AtomPub Describes how to use HTTP to publish content SWORD Describes how to use AtomPub to interact with repositories
History Funded by Jisc 2007 SWORD version 1 SWORD version 1.1 12th October 2007 SWORD version 1.1 9th November 2007 SWORD version 1.2 22nd January 2008 SWORD version 1.3
History Funded by Jisc 2010 SWORD v1 SWORD v2 SWORD version 2 Deposit Update / replace Delete
Forget about SWORD! For the next part of this presentation… Forget about SWORD! Think about ‘deposit’ We’ll get to the ‘how’ later on!
Deposit Some examples of deposit Sources: Stuart Lewis, Leonie Hayes, Vanessa Newton-Wade, Antony Corfield, Richard Davis, Tim Donohue, Scott Wilson, (2009) "If SWORD is the answer, what is the question?: Use of the Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit protocol", Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 43 Iss: 4, pp.407 – 418 doi: 10.1108/00330330910998057 Lewis, S., de Castro, P., & Jones, R. (2012). SWORD: Facilitating Deposit Scenarios. D-Lib Magazine. January / February 2012. doi: 10.1045/january2012-lewis
Deposit What could your repository store? Where can you source this content? How could you improve your repository’s submission interface?
Deposit - Theses Let’s start with a simple example: Electronic Theses The only deposit ever made by many users Lots of orphaned user accounts Submission not tailored for theses Collect and deposit in custom thesis system
http: http://deposit.library.auckland.ac.nz/
http: http://easydeposit.swordapp.org/
More examples Easy deposit of paper (DOI -> File -> Deposit) http://easydeposit.swordapp.org/example/doi/ CRIS (Current Research Information System) deposit papers into Repository Publisher pushes Open Access content to repositories (Repository Junction / BioMed Central)
Other examples Deposit by email? To: repository@university.ac.uk From: Author Subject: Title Message: Abstract Script connects to email server, reads messages, and deposits them using SWORD
Other examples Mobile phone deposit Take a photo GPS geocoded information ‘Share’ to deposit to repository Repository unpacks photo, and extracts metadata Useful to… archeologists, photographers, etc…
How…? So you now know what you want to deposit! How do we make it happen?