Critical Thinking Think for yourself!


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Thinking Think for yourself! Play this video: Will Smith’s character thought for himself. He analyzed his situation instead of just accepting what he was told. How did that benefit him in the long run? Will Smith used Critical Thinking, and you will too!

Critical Thinking: Analysis in your own words After watching the video, answer these questions in your notebook: What is Critical Thinking? What are some steps you take as a critical thinker? Why is Critical Thinking so important?

Steps of Critical Thinking Understand the Basics Recognize Thinking Errors Find and Evaluate Information Draw Conclusions These are the steps we will take when we think critically about something. We will learn more about each individual step now!

Understand the Basics Think about the statement/idea Ask questions to clarify Re-state the statement/idea in your own words When you are sure you understand, move on to the next step

Recognize Thinking Errors Are any of the thinking errors affecting your thought process? Cognitive dissonance Confirmation Bias Backfire Effect Social Proof Fundamental Attribution Error Implicit Bias Can students summarize each thinking error?

Find and Evaluate Information Do good research Separate fact from opinion Analyze what you have learned

Draw Conclusions What is the most logical answer, based on what you have learned? Be aware: is your conclusion a fact or an opinion? What action, if any, is needed now?

Discuss How are these steps similar to or different than the steps of the Scientific Method?

Foldable! Fold your paper like you see here. Write one critical thinking step on each section. Understand the basics Recognize thinking errors Find and evaluate information Draw conclusions

Practice Critical Thinking Steps! Is it magic or is it a trick? Play this video: Then, explain that we will be using our critical thinking steps to de-construct magic, just like Sheldon would have done! Play this video: After Oz does his trick, go through the critical thinking steps as a class to try to figure out how he did it. As more tricks are revealed, students can guess each trick– including the very last one!

Practice in Groups! You will now work in groups to practice critical thinking! You will be assigned one, two, or three ideas to think about. Go through the steps with your group. After a few minutes, you will act out your critical thinking process using the signs to identify which step you are on. Put students in small groups (no bigger than 4). Assign one, two, or three ideas to each group, depending on the class size and ability level. Give them time to talk about the ideas and do short research (if needed). Then, they should present their process by acting out/describing how they went through each step. They should hold up the appropriate sign when they reach a new step. It’s ok if they reach different conclusions within their group!