Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due… APA Citation
APA Formatting-- Most people experience a certain level of anxiety about using APA citation…
APA Formatting But it is really just a matter of following rules and paying attention to details.
APA Formatting APA stands for American Psychological Association It is a set of rules many researchers use to format their research papers The benefits to learning APA include: Familiarity before college Following same rules professionals use to publish work Increased popularity, fame, and wealth… jk. Lol.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page The reference page comes at the A.) beginning of the paper B.) middle of the paper C.) end of the paper
Basic Rules for the Reference Page C—the end of the paper! In addition, your references should be on a separate page, and should be labeled References at the top of the page. The title should be centered. Double space your reference page just as you do the rest of your essay.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page True or False?– You indent the first line of each entry/source on the reference page.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page FALSE! Actually, you DO NOT indent the first line of each entry, but you DO indent each line after that. Heydanek, D. (2008). Why I play Halo. Gamers Weekly, 135 (28-31).
Basic Rules for the Reference Page True or False?—You capitalize all the important words in a title of an article.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page False! Shocking, but true. Only the FIRST word is capitalized as well as any PROPER NOUNS. Hasapopoulos, M. (2009). Exploring middle- earth through Tolkien’s use of hobbits in his novels. Times, 14 (98-105).
Basic Rules for the Reference Page True or False?—Alphabetize your sources.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page True! Alphabetize your sources AND list your sources with the author’s LAST NAME first. Maas, R. (2009). I talk loud and shoot things. Educators Who Hunt, 114 (42-46).
Basic Rules for the Reference Page True or False?—Italicize the titles of magazines, journals, and books.
Basic Rules for the Reference Page TRUE! In addition, CAPITALIZE all important words in the titles of magazines, journals, and books. Fuller, C. (2009). Shakespeare and soccer— what do they have in common? Nerd Alert Weekly, 112 (14-17).
Sample Reference Page References Fuller, C. (2009). Shakespeare and soccer—what do they have in common? Nerd Alert Weekly, 112 (14-17). Hasapopoulos, M. (2009). Exploring middle-earth through Tolkien’s use of hobbits in his novels. Times, 14 (98-105). Heydanek, D. (2008). Why I play Halo. Gamers Weekly, 135 (28-31). Maas, R. (2009). I talk loud and shoot things. Educators Who Hunt, 114 (42-46).
Parenthetical Citation What is parenthetical citation? What is the purpose of parenthetical citation?
Parenthetical Citation Parenthetical Citation is name of the author of a source and the year it was written in parentheses after a specific fact in an essay. Parenthetical Citation helps the reader to locate a source from your reference page and also indicates how recent the research is. Parenthetical Citation gives credit to the original author and helps you to avoid plagiarism in your essay.
Parenthetical Citation Here is an example: Using post-its while writing a research paper can greatly enhance organization (Fuller, 2010).
Parenthetical Citation Time for a game! First to answer wins a prize! Use your cheat-sheet packet to explain how to cite the following: * Personal Communication (email) * A source with one author * A source that has an organization as the author * A source with no date listed * An electronic source with no page #s
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