Improve the WIS Service The 1st GISC Seoul International WIS Workshop Jeju KAL Hotel, Rep. of KOREA, 6~9 Nov. 2012 Approaches to Improve the WIS Service Sunghoi HUH Korea Meteorological Administration Republic of KOREA
Contents Clients’ Aspect Search Engines Summary
Clients of WIS Decision maker Site operator Model operator Benefits more than just for WMO programmes with common global information system, based on international industry standards by accessing data with DAR (discovery, access, and retrieval) - Weather(WWIS, space weather, forecasting, ) - Observation(synop, marine, aviation, radar, satellite,) - Climate(scenario,), Atmospheric data(ozone,) - Hydrometeorology(snow melt, ice floe,), Arctic data, - Greenhouse gas, Agriculture, Drought, Early warning,… Decision maker Site operator Model operator Weather forecaster Research group Public, …
What service they want ? (1) Statistics Current Weather Satellite, rada img Weather chart Early warning Weather forecasing Weekly weather Monthly weather Monthly weather(3M) Climate forecast Weather index Webportal ( FTP ( Off line Internet search (Private sector) By fax from KMA By SMS from KMA Information they want (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011) Information messenger they are using (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011)
What service they want ? (2) Good Nothing better so so Nothing worse Bad Not easy to find out Not categorized properly Lack of functionality(down load, ..) Lack of quality and preciseness Lack of data & information Not easy to understand terminology Client satisfaction on KMA webportal (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011) Clients’ displeasure on KMA webportal (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011)
What service they want ? (2) Good Nothing better so so Nothing worse Bad Not easy to find out Not categorized properly Lack of functionality(down load, ..) Lack of quality and preciseness Lack of data & information Not easy to understand terminology Easily searchable Easily accessible Based on internet With ‘good’ user interface ⇒ Search & UI Clients’ satisfaction on KMA webportal (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011) Clients’ displeasure on KMA webportal (surveyed by KMA in KOREA, 2011)
Search Engine(1) Market share of the ‘search engine’
Search Engine(2) Search with a keyword Google and Yahoo are providing web search based on HTTP protocol, which is GET request ⇒ easy & simple concept by writing down the key word at the URL window Search with a keyword ex) Google, ”WMO” ex) Yahoo, ”WMO” Search with a multiple keyword using “+” ex) Google, "WIS GISC” ex) Yahoo, "WIS GISC”
Search Engine(3) Search with a multiple keyword using “-” : re-search by excluding unwanted element at the result ex) Google, excluding ”DCPC” at the result of “WIS GISC” ex) Yahoo, excluding ”DCPC” at the result of “WIS GISC” They are providing much simpler way ~!
Case 1: OpenWIS Normal Search & Advanced Search & SRU
Case 2: Other solutions GISC Beijing GISC Tokyo
Case 2: Other solutions GISC Offenbach
Summary WIS is an information system with the ’BIG’ data, and improving ’user accessibility & interface’ for DAR(Discovery, Access, and Retrieval) should be a ’BIG’ issue It may need to investigate the various functionalities of ’top ranked’ search engines just to make sure the quality service of WIS