24-hour Emergency Number: 312-353-2318 U.S. EPA Region 5 Superfund Division Emergency Response Branch 520 Lafayette RD N St. Paul, Minnesota 24-hour Emergency Number: 312-353-2318
Waste,Pesticides & Toxics EPA Region 5 Regional Administrator Air & Radiation Water Waste,Pesticides & Toxics Planning & Management Superfund Classes of Chemical Agents The military has classified chemical agents according to how they affect individuals, initially as either toxic or incapacitating, and then further by their specific actions on the individual. You will note on this chart that there are four categories of toxic agents: a. Choking b. Blister c. Blood d. Nerve Under each category are the individual symbols for the agents we are going to discuss. There are many more agents that the ones we will address, but these are considered the most likely ones a terrorist might employ. Although there may be specific incapacitating agents in various national inventories, we are not covering them in this course because their use by a terrorist is improbable. Remedial 1 Remedial 2 Program Support Emergency Response Branch
EPA Region 5 On-Scene Coordinators
EPA Region 5 Technical Assistance Contractor Support (START) Minneapolis MN Okemos,MI Milwaukee,WI Detroit, MI Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Indianapolis,IN St. Louis, MO Cincinnati, OH
Roles and Responsibilities (OSC) Respond to releases of oil and hazardous substances (NCP) Assessment and management of removal activities under CERCLA and OPA 90 PDD 39 (support FBI & FEMA in WMD response)
NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN (NCP) Provides framework for response to releases of oil or hazardous materials Designates on-scene coordinators Integrates responses with state and local authorities or private organizations
NCP continued Designates three types of removal actions to respond to hazardous material releases Classic Emergencies - train derailments, transportation accidents, fires, chemical emergencies
NCP continued Time-critical Removals - i.e. drum removals, soil excavations, abandoned manufacturing facilities
NCP continued Non-time critical Removals - removals which can take a 6-month planning period; no imminent endangerment or threat of release present
Equipment Command Post Air monitoring equipment Response time 2 hours to major cities Level A/B/C Response Capability
Equipment Detection Equipment M256 Chemical Agent Detector Kit M8 Paper M9 Paper CAM and APD 2000 CW Detector Draeger tubes Bio Detection BTA Kits PID/FID, CIG Rad Meters GPS
Contact Numbers U.S. EPA 24-hour Emergency (312) 353-2318 National Response Center (800) 424-8802