OUTLINE Background Legislation Partial care Categories of partial care Minimum Norms and Standards Registration of partial care facilities Cancellation of registration Notice of enforcement Appeal against and review of certain decisions End
BACKGROUND ECD is an APEX Priority of the Government and clearly outlined under the National Development Plan: Vision 2030 It provides a holistic approach to the optimum development of the child The nature of the programme requires an inter- sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach since there are a number of stakeholders that contribute towards the implementation process of early childhood development
BACKGROUND DSD has been mandated to coordinate and integrated ECD services, specifically to children 0 – school going age Therefore, registration, establishment and management of these facilities is upon DSD
LEGISLATION RSA Constitution 1/ 1996 Children’s Act 38/ 2005 National Integrated ECD Policy 2015 Guideline for the registration of ECD 2004
PARTIAL CARE Sec 76 It is provided when a person, whether for or without reward, takes care of more than six children on behalf of their parents or care-givers during specific hours of the day or night, or for a temporary period, by agreement between the parents or care-givers and the provider of the service, but excludes the care of a child- (a) by a school as part of tuition, training and other activities provided by the school; (b) as a boarder in a school hostel or other residential facility managed as part of a school; or (c) by a hospital or other medical facility as part of medical treatment provided to the child
CATEGORIES OF PARTIAL CARE SERVICES ECD services: enhance the developmental process of emotional, cognitive, sensory, spiritual, moral, physical, social and communication development of children from birth to school going age After school services: provision of meals, homework support, sporting activity support, life skills education and guidance and counseling support Private hostel: is a place which is operating during school terms and where children sleep over, are provided with meals, healthcare, life skills education where their laundry is done and where the children receive guidance and counseling support, school attendance support, sporting activity support and cultural activity support Temporary respite care services : services offered to children and to children with disabilities which is aimed at the provision of temporary care and relief, it includes day care or sleepover, the provision of meals, school attendance support, sporting activity support, health care and laundry facilities and assistance with personal hygiene
MINIMUM NORMS AND STANDARDS Sec 79 Why Norms and Standards? Serve as a guide to existing facilities of what is expected when operating a facility Directed at protecting, preserving and promoting children’s rights Seek to ensure that children are cared for in a safe environment and are protected from maltreatment, neglect and abuse
MINIMUM NORMS AND STANDARDS Cont.. A safe environment for children; Proper care for sick children or children that become ill; Safe drinking water; Hygienic and adequate toilet facilities; Safe storage of anything that may be harmful to children; Access to refuse disposal services or other adequate means of disposal of refuse A hygienic area for the preparation of food for children; Measures for the separation of children of different age groups; The drawing up of action plans for emergencies; and The drawing up of policies and procedures regarding health care
REGISTRATION OF PARTIAL CARE FACILITIES Sec 80 – 83 Any person or organisation may establish a partial care facility provided that it is registered with the DSD. An application form will be utilized to this effect Is managed and maintained in accordance with any conditions subject to which the facility is registered Complies with the prescribed national norms and standards Registration is valid for five years
REGISTRATION CONT…… Accompanying documents: Form 11 Business plan > business hours, day care plan, menu, staff composition, disciplinary policy Emergency plan Health report Clearance certificate that a person is fit and proper to can care for children
CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION Sec 84 The head of Social Development may cancel the registration /conditional registration or renewal if: The facility does not comply with the norms and standards The conditions prescribed have been breached or not complied with The applicant/ organisation or the person assisting is not fit or proper to operate in the facility
NOTICE OF ENFORCEMENT Sec 85 A provincial head of social development may by way of a written notice of enforcement instruct- - a person or organisation operating an unregistered partial care facility- (i) to stop operating that facility; or (ii) to apply for registration in terms of section 81 within a period specified in the notice A person or organisation operating a registered partial care facility otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any conditions subject to which the registration was issued, to comply with those provisions or conditions
APPEAL AGAINST AND REVIEW OF CERTAIN DECISIONS Sec 86 An applicant or a registration holder aggrieved by a decision of a Provincial Head of Social Development, may lodge an appeal against that decision within 90 days with the MEC for Social Development An applicant or a registration holder that is not satisfied with the outcome of an appeal, may apply to the competent division of the High Court to review the decision
CONTACT DETAILS MS DL KHWINANA T > 015 – 230 4326 F > 086 215 5630 C > 082 677 9252 / 071 403 3033