Phone: 540.751.2500 Fax: 540.751.2501 E-mail: Spectrum Welcome Back 6, 7 and 8th Grade 2017-2018 Mrs. Nancy Stevens Gifted Specialist Harmony Middle School Room: B1 Phone: 540.751.2500 Fax: 540.751.2501 E-mail:
ALL ABOUT ME Married with 4 kids, 2 grand kids and a dog! Teaching Spectrum in Loudoun County for 17 years. Bachelor of Science degree in Business Education from Shepherd University Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management from James Madison University Gifted endorsement from UVA Masters in Education Administration from Shenandoah University Currently teaching Spectrum (Loudoun County's Gifted and Talented program for grades 6-8) at Harmony Middle School Faculty liaison and choreographer for Drama production
-Treat others the way you want to be treated Caring SPECTRUM CLASS RULES Respect -Treat others the way you want to be treated Caring -Say nice things and share compliments with others Choices -Make every decision carefully Effort -Achieve all your goals through commitment and hard work Honesty -Be truthful to others Responsibility -Be in control of your own behavior CONSEQUENCES Communicate with student Call parent Refer to Dean
Communicate with student HORNET HABITS Behavior Expectations @ Harmony Middle School BATHROOM CAFETERIA HALLWAYS LOCKER AREA BUS CLASSROOM RESPECT (Be Respectful) *Give privacy. *Take care of school property. *Leave no trace. *Leave area better than you found it. *Use inside voice. *Follow instructions from ALL adults. *Use appropriate language. *Obey the driver & bus rules. * Treat others the way you want to be treated. * Say nice things and share compliments. * Be truthful to others. RESPONSIBILITY (Be Responsible) *Hush, flush, wash, and go! *Use facilities at the appropriate times (between classes & @lunch.) *Use good manners. *Reduce, reuse, re-cycle. *Raise hand to get up or ask for help. *Keep hands and feet to self. *Arrive on time to class. *Use a pass during class times. *Appropriate use of electronics. *Keep back pack in your space. * Make every decision carefully. * Achieve all your goals through commitment and hard work. * Be in control of your own behavior. SAFETY (Be Safe) *Report problems to an adult. *Do not use cell phone. *Use facilities and supplies properly. *Walk. *Maintain personal space. *Eat your own food. *Stay to the right. *Keep moving. *Enter classrooms only when adults are present. *Sit in the front of the bus. *Stay seated. *Enter and exit calmly. * Stop Talking when hand is up. * Use all tools properly. *Maintain personal space . CONSEQUENCES Communicate with student Call parent Refer to Dean
8/21/17 dcw
8th Grade Spectrum “Spirations
SPECTRUM CURRICULUM SPECTRUM enables students to work with academic peers in and environment that focuses on identifying and maximizing individual student talents and interests. The curriculum gives students the opportunity to explore a range of high interest, real world issues that are both personally relevant and intellectually challenging. The program’s curriculum is interdisciplinary in nature and focuses on four different themes or areas of study: · Business & Economics · Communication & Culture · Technology & Engineering · Ethics & Perspectives Organizing topics and units around a theme promotes a richer integrated curriculum. These areas of study provide a framework with many facets to allow in content. All units in this program are designed to promote active student engagement in learning and to develop student skills in critical and creative thinking, information processing, problem-solving, communication, and leadership. Community resources are tapped to bring real world experience and expertise into the classroom. Technology is used extensively to create products and develop a sophisticated understanding of various fields and issues. Time management strategies, current events, language arts skills, and service projects are also incorporated into the SPECTRUM program. “The formulation of a problem is more important than the solution.” Einstein
Spectrum Units of Study 2017-2018 7th Grade Tanglers Math Mystery IF (Gifted Identification Exercise) Crime Solving Mysteries Survivals/ Cascades and Desert Communication/ASL Economics/Invention Convention CML Field Trip 8th Grade Tanglers Math Mystery Spectrum ‘Spirations Crime Solving Mysteries Survivals/Whitewater Communication/Claymation Animated Films Economics/Rainbow Bay CML Dilemma/Socratic Seminar Field Trip
The Shakespeare Theater 12th Night December 13, 2017 Time Activity Place 7:30 a.m. Report to Auditorium Harmony Middle School 7:35 a.m. Buses load 7:45 a.m. Buses leave 9:30 Arrive Shakespeare Theater Harmon Center for the Arts 10:00-1:00 See play 1:00-1:20 After-performance Discussion 1:20-2:30 Lunch-allow $10-$20 Union Station 2:30 p.m. Board Bus, Leave 450 7th Street NW 3:40-4:00 p.m. Arrive back at Harmony Important note: Ticket Cost: TBA Checks made payable to: Harmony Middle School Please ensure that students have $10-$20 for lunch. Appropriate dress is required. No jeans or t-shirts. Be on time! The bus will leave when scheduled! Make up all work that is missed.
Earth Lab: Degrees of Change —Delve into the causes of climate change, its impacts, and potential solutions. Life Lab - Explore the science of healthy living and learn how your brain works. Wonders of Science – Zoom in globally and regionally with a variety of interactives. The museum invites teens and adults to interact with today’s issues in a thought-provoking setting. Whether exploring on your own or with friends, the museum encourages visitors to use science to solve problems and engage in stimulating conversations with others.
Itinerary for Spectrum 6th and 7th Grade Field Trip Koshland Science Museum Time Activity Place 8:30 a.m. Report to Auditorium After checking in with Home Room teacher Harmony Middle School 8:35 a.m. Buses load 8:40 a.m. Buses leave 9:55 a.m. Arrive at Museum Koshland Science Museum 10:00-12:00 Museum Program 12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch-allow $7-15 Union Station 1:45 p.m. Board Bus, Leave 3:00 p.m. Arrive back at Harmony
For All Your Gifted Education Information Go To: For information regarding the Academies of Loudoun go to the tab marked Educational Centers on the lcps school web site. For information regarding Thomas Jefferson High School for science and Technology go to:
have a wonderful evening Good night have a wonderful evening and a great school year!