Documented District Support and Needs SIS Department 2017-2018
SIS Team Supports MTSS Leadership Academy Core Programs Illuminate Ed. Evaluation Leadership Academy Core Programs Illuminate Ed. Literacy Professional Development STEAM and STEM Implementation Science AIMS Web PBIS Leadership Social Studies Instructional Coaching Common Assessments Grants Fast Bridge Priority-Focus Math SIS Team Supports Research CRPBIS Explicit Instruction Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Project Practice Principal Supports Coaching Supports Data Sciences
Service Area-Wide Professional Development and Supports In-District Technical Assistance SIS Support Model Embedded Consultants
Response to Intervention (effect size = 1.07) SYSTEMS OF STUDENT SUCCESS FRAMEWORK: By Whatever Name We Call It MTSS, RtI, etc. Response to Intervention (effect size = 1.07) RTI is the original framework for intervention and moved into the MTSS model. Most of you know that MiBlsi was our technical support.
Keep fighting the good fight! Implement with Fidelity…. Reading Street doesn't work? Let’s keep improving our systems! We “do” Reading Street. We teach literacy with fidelity. Fidelity? We've made it, let’s give teachers more flexibility! Let’s keep building systems! We frequently modify what’s not working with data, we are never done. You are making an investment and it takes three years of implementing with fidelity Leadership matters this is an example of two similar schools in our county, one naturally out performing the other in the beginning and the second beating the odds because they focused on implementing with fidelity . This is a universal lesson.
District Scorecard and Survey Summary Universal Screening/Progress Monitoring Tiered Systems/Researched –Based Instruction Shared Leadership Problem Solving/Data-Based Decision Making Big picture lense on MTSS components with Fidelity
District Scorecard Summary
MTSS Core Implementation Areas and corresponding supports Support building and district coaches Develop/implement trainings and support materials Provide technical assistance Support trainer of trainers model Universal Screening Progress Monitoring Develop and provide trainings in core curricular areas Support /train treatment protocol to identify student needs and match to tiers of instruction Improve tier1through evidenced based practices and researched curricular through job embedded PD Tiered Systems Researched Based Instruction Enhance leadership support through extending trainings attached to Leadership academy Provide Principal Leadership customized coaching Support district level leadership teams through data days Shared Leadership Support building level leadership teams through data days Enhance/increase problem solving skills and processes through project practice Build problem solving supports through leadership teams Problem Solving Data- Based Decision Making
District Scorecard and Survey Summary MTSS Areas of Implementation Local District Requests Project Practice Survey Curriculum Adoption Go Math Reading Street/Wonders
Identified areas of Need or Support
Top Five areas of requested support Literacy Project Practice Math NGXS Customization
Reprioritizing and Aligning Resources Shifting responsibilities and training staff to best meet the core areas of support Focus on building capacity for next two years in preparation for enactment of Literacy law and student assessment of NGX standards Continue to expand job embedded PD to allow for more customized support for each district Focus on customized leadership support Based on your asks we are building capacity with two temporary consultants ( literacy and Math ) for two years from 7-1-17 to 6-30-19 The 2 consultants will serve three primary roles: Support the implementation of core curricula. Coach teachers to improve instructional practices using a structured coaching process, which includes modeling, lesson planning, and observation/feedback. Build capacity among local districts by training school-based coaches, using the same structured coaching process. The 2 consultants fill several needs identified by districts: Expansion of Project Practice was requested by 22 buildings across 8 districts, reaching approximately 50-60 teacher coaches, 100-150 teachers, and 3,000 students. Student data indicate resources are needed to support core instruction/Tier 1, evidenced by the large number of students that are not proficient on the M-STEP (<80%). Project Practice aims to strengthen core/Tier 1 instruction. The introduction of the 3rd grade reading bill calls for additional coaching and support for K-3 teachers in literacy. Project Practice trains coaches and coaches teachers to improve literacy instruction.
Making Impactful Changes in Education .
What Doesn’t Work in Education: The Five Major Distractions……
The effect-sizes of many popular ‘fixes’ to the schooling system
ARE WE GETTING DISTRACTED? WHY GATHER TODAY? Every student deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design EDUCATOR/LEADERSHIP COLLECTIVE EFFICACY 1.57 John Hattie, Visible Learning for Literacy (2016, p. 2)
What is collaboration? 1.57 ES Teacher/leader collected efficacy A systematic process in which we work together, interdependently, to analyze and impact professional practice to improve our individual and collective results. Dufour, Doufour, & Eaker , 2002