Westward Expansion Jeopardy Vocab Acts Random Indians 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000
Indians 200 Many agreements fell apart between Native American and federal gov. because
Indians 200 Native Americans and settlers had differing concepts of land ownership
Indians 400 What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?
Indians 400 American soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux
Indians 600 Why did settlers believe they had a greater right to western land than the Native Americans?
Indians 600 Settlers produced more food and wealth than Native Americans
Indians 800 Many white reformers believed that Native Americans should?
Indians 800 be “civilized” and adopt white culture
Indians 1000 As American settlers moved west, many Native American nations were?
Indians 1000 Were weakened or destroyed
Random 200 Farm mechanization resulted in?
Random 200 An increase in farm production
Random 400 Most African American Exodusters migrated west to?
Random 400 Escape racial violence in the South
Random 600 The Populist Platform included provision for what?
Random 600 Free silver, a progressive income tax, and an eight-hour work day
Random 800 William Jennings Bryan supported?
Random 800 Populism
Random 1000 Where did the last great North American Gold rush take place?
Random 1000 Canada
Acts 200 Interstate Commerce Act was passed to?
Acts 200 Regulate railroad rates and practices
Acts 400 What did the Morrill Land-Grand Act and Homestead Act have in common?
Acts 400 Provided ways for settlers to acquire western lands
Acts 600 What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?
Acts 600 Had to farm the land for five years in a row
Acts 800 What are the provisions of the Dawes Act?
Acts 800 Divided reservation land into individual plots Acts 800 Divided reservation land into individual plots. Each family headed by a man received a plot, usually 160 acres, granted U.S. citizenship and subject to local, state, and federal laws
Acts 1000 What drew many immigrants to the West?
Acts 1000 cheap land and new jobs
Vocabulary 200 What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
Vocabulary 200 Government sponsored project that connected the Eastern and western half of the country
Vocabulary 400 What is assimilation?
Vocabulary 400 The process by which people of one culture merge into another culture
Vocabulary 600 What is the Chisholm Trail?
Vocabulary 600 Path linking the grazing lands of Texas to the cow towns of the north
Vocabulary 800 What is Populism?
Vocabulary 800 Formed in 1891 to advocate a larger money supply and other economic reforms
Vocabulary 1000 What is Americanization?
Vocabulary 1000 The process of acculturation by immigrants to American customs