8th grade Spanish Connecting Travel to Food A Tour of Spain 8th grade Spanish Connecting Travel to Food
Map of Spain
Where in the WORLD is Spain?
What do you already KNOW? Fill out the “K” section of your worksheet with at least 2 thins you already KNOW. We will share out here…
What do you WANT to know? Book Scan: Each group will get a book on Spain. Scan the book in small groups to look at pictures and titles. Fill out the “W” section of the worksheet with at least 2 things you WANT to know based on your book scan. We will share out here…
Let’s start with a few facts… Reading:- Spain: Picture A Country I will read an overview of Spain from this book.
Let’s SEE Spain… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6FQLpYCeUk
What did you LEARN about Spain? In the “L” section of today’s chart list the following: 3 things you learned about TRAVEL or FOOD in Spain. 1 question you have about Spain Turn in your paper by the end of the class period for an Accountability grade.
A closer look at MADRID Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ-hAEbN-RE
Group Talk Q1: Which tourist attraction in Madrid would you like to visit and why? Q2: How do you feel about the food you saw and heard about in the video? Q3: What things did you view in the video that are different than here in the U.S.? Q4: What things did you view in the video that are the same or similar to the U.S.?
Group Talk Jigsaw Step 1: Each student is assigned to a group that will discuss 1 of the 4 questions and record responses on individual scrap paper. Step 2: Students will form small groups, each with one student from each question #1-4. Each student will lead a discussion for their original question/answer in their new small group. Step 3: One student from each of the four questions will share discussion with the whole-class.