Diego Velazquez 1599-1660
Vocabulary Some of the words we’re going to use: • Monarch: a head of state, in the form of a king, queen, or emperor • Baroque: relating to art of the 17th and 18th centuries (1600-1700s) • Perspective: a point of view • Emphasis: an area or object that draws attention and becomes a focal point • Value: the lightness or darkness of tones or colors • Space: where things are and how they relate to other things in a work of art
Who was Diego Velazquez? Diego Velazquez was a famous portrait painter during the Baroque period. He was born in 1599 in Seville, Spain. At just 11 years old, he decided he wanted to become a painter, and became an apprentice to begin learning painting techniques.
Diego Velazquez Liked to paint regular people The Needlewoman (1640) Liked to paint regular people Began painting religious pieces for the church Moved to Madrid in 1623 and was hired by King Philip IV Became the painter of the monarchs of Spain Worked and lived in the royal palace for the rest of his life Margarita on Horseback (1634-1635)
Old Woman Frying Eggs (1618) Velazquez focused on space and relationships between people in his paintings. He paid a lot of attention to the values he used in order to create emphasis.
The Portrait of Sebastian de Morra (1645) Velazquez also used unusual subjects in his paintings. He liked to paint common people, but he also painted royalty and members of the royal court.
Las Meninas (1656-1657) There’s a lot going on in this painting, but there is still clear emphasis. How many people do you count in this painting? Who is the first person you noticed? How many different perspectives can you see?
Timeline 1599: Diego Velazquez is born 1660: Diego Velazquez dies 1623: Velazquez moves to Madrid 1610: Velazquez becomes an art apprentice 1656-1657: Velazquez paints “Las Meninas”
Assessment Think of a possible name for this work of art by Diego Vazquez. Then, using the vocabulary words we talked about, write a paragraph about what you think this is going on in this painting.
The Waterseller of Seville (1623) This painting shows a common man selling water in a local store. Diego Velazquez liked to paint everyday people and their lives, especially people from his hometown of Seville.
Diego Velazquez 1599-1660