Goldstone’s Growing Project 2010
Let’s all grow some food! Our plan is to get everyone at Goldstone growing! We want every child to plant and grow something that will be ready by July 15th.
6A – Potatoes, main crop. To be planted in car tyres no later than March 30th. Ready to harvest in 15 weeks!
6B – Bulgarian Carrot Chilli. These beauties need to be grown from seed no later than March 30th. They will live indoors.
5G – Tomatoes, 100’s & 1000’s. Grown from seed no later than March 4th. Grown outside once big enough.
5B – Potatoes, main crop. To be planted in car tyres no later than March 30th. Ready to harvest in 15 weeks!
4P – Cayenne Red Chillies Grown from seed indoors no later than April 19th.
To be grown from seed no later than March 30th. Hot, but not too hot! 4T – Tabasco Chillies To be grown from seed no later than March 30th. Hot, but not too hot!
3P – Spring Onions Lovely salad onions! To be planted outdoors around May 20th. Ready in only 8 weeks!
3A – Italian Beetroot To be planted outdoors around March 25th. Ready in about 16 weeks. A taste of Italy!
2T – Cos Lettuce To be planting from seed outdoors no later than May 6th. Lovely lettuce in only 10 weeks.
2HD – Sweet Basil To be sown from seed directly into small pots no later than April 20th. What a tasty herb!
1J – Turnips, Golden Ball Just like the summer sun! To be planted outdoors no later than April 22nd. Ready in about 10 weeks.
1R – Spuds, main crop. To be planted in car tyres no later than March 30th. Ready to harvest in 15 weeks!
RM – Carrots, Early Nantes Perfectly shaped carrots! Probably! To be sown outdoors no later than April 15th.
RS – Peas, Hurst Green Outstanding pod length! To be sown outdoors no later than March 30th. Canes and string will be used to support them.
Why should they be ready by July 15th? We will sell it! At the first ever Brighton Schools Farmers Market! Woodingdean School have invited us to joining a few other schools to grow, cook & sell produce
Ready, steady, GROW!