BODY SYSTEMS! 7-10 min review of answers Ask Students Questions
This unit is about different BODY SYSTEMS….
maintaining homeostasis in the human body! homeostasis: a stable, internal environment body
Examples of homeostasis… Good blood sugar Good body fluid level Ability to reproduce Reacting to a hot stove Sweating to maintain temp. Urinating to maintain pH
What does our Digestive System do? Key Point #1: The digestive system has 3 very important jobs: Converts food into simple molecules that can be used by the body Absorbs food/nutrients Eliminates waste
Digestion Key Point #2: Digestion is the process of breaking down food. Mechanical digestion = the physical process of breaking down food into smaller pieces Teeth crushing the food in the mouth. Chemical digestion = the process of changing food into tiny molecules that your body can absorb more easily Pepsin, an enzyme in your stomach, breaks the food particles into cell-friendly pieces.
No Need to memorize all of these…I will tell you which ones you should be familiar with! Just for them to see what is involved in the digestive system.
The Parts Key Point #3: There are different organs in your digestive system, and each plays a part in the process so that nutrients reach your body cells. MouthPharynx EsophagusStomachSmall intestineLarge intestine NOTE: There are other structures that we will see shortly.
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! MOUTH Chemical and Mechanical Digestion Saliva = chemical Mechanical=chewing
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! Pharynx Pharynx means throat Food passes through the mouth to the esophagus
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! Esophagus How food travels from the throat to the stomach Muscles in your esophagus move the food without you even thinking about it
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! Stomach Acids in your stomach break down your food into a consistency like a smoothie It takes 4 hours for food to exit your stomach
Acid Reflux– Heartburn Gastric Juice creeps up the esophagus because of faulty sphincter Background Info
Esophagus Cardiac Sphincter Pyloric Sphincter Stomach Duodenum Background Info Duodenum
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! All of the nutrients from your food are absorbed when it is in your small intestine All the good stuff from your food goes
ORGAN SPOTLIGHT! Water is absorbed from the remaining food. The food is turned into waste products and prepares to exit the body
Why is the digestive system important? Key Point #4: If the digestive system malfunctions and food is not digested properly, the body will not receive the right energy and nutrients it needs to function. The things that need to happen in order to promote homeostasis (stable internal environment) Eating a balanced meal Digestive organs need to function properly Nutrients need to be absorbed & distributed Waste exits body on a normal basis
Handout the “Student Made Notes”
Guided Practice This is where water is absorbed from food
Muscle contractions help move food down this tube
The site of chemical digestion by saliva
This turns food into a smoothie like consistency
Where the nutrients from your food are actually absorbed so they can be used
The site of mechanical digestion by teeth
The passageway from the mouth to the esophagus
Crone’s Disease: 2 cards (no nutrients or water get absorbed from your food)
The last organ food passes through before it is released as waste through the rectum
A very acidic organ
Acid Reflux (2 organs)
The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
Where food goes after the stomach
Constipation & diarrhea are both because of a malfunctioning…
Another word for throat