International Space Station HUNCH Video Challenge 2016-2017
HUNCH Video Challenge Purpose: Motivate and inform high school students studying video arts by encouraging them to create original video products aimed at communicating NASA's mission, accomplishments, and efforts to new audiences. Goal: Inspire students through a competition to create innovative, exciting and educational video products. The challenge will provide students an opportunity to produce a video that will enhance their educational experience and career opportunities and that will be of use to NASA.
Judging Challenge Categories 1) Best overall video communicating NASA's mission, accomplishments, and efforts 2) Best video for informing elementary through secondary school students about science accomplished on the International Space Station Judging Based on how well the videos: Meet the intent of the Challenge Categories based on presentation and storytelling Demonstrate skill in filmmaking craftsmanship Provoke an emotional response
Submissions Must be original videos students complete during the 2016 -2017 school year. Less than 5 minutes long including credits. Open to narrative, artistic, humorous, dramatic, animation, documentary, experimental, alternative, and music videos of all genres, formats, and styles. All students participating on a video are required to sign and submit a Talent and Authorization Form. Works must be created in or converted to 1080p format. Finished videos will be uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube with the link provided to NASA along with any necessary passwords. For more information, please see the linked Video Challenge Responsibilities, Submission Rules and Content Restrictions.HUNCH Video Challenge – Responsibilities, Submission Rules and Content Restrictions: Video Challenge – Responsibilities, Submission Rules and Content Restrictions Video Challenge – Responsibilities, Submission Rules and Content Restrictions
Challenge Winners NASA will post the winners to the NASA YouTube and ISS Facebook Pages. The winning and other select videos will be shown at appropriate HUNCH school year-end recognition ceremonies. Other non-monetary prizes may be awarded to the winners.
Schedule Challenge Announced December 2016 Submissions Due Date March 31, 2017 Judging Complete April 21, 2017 Winners Announced April 29, 2017
NASA Video Resources
Rules of the Contest Found Here Presentation Title Date Speaker Contact Information Rules of the Contest Found Here