Provider Briefing Home Care 2017 Commissioning Plan for Home Care 2017 -2021
Welcome and Introduction – Andrew Jepps Care Commissioning Lead
Agenda for today Commissioning Brief on the procurement process for Home Care and Extra Care Questions Proposals for Staffordshire’s Pricing Strategy Close – 12:30pm/ 16:30pm
Engagement with the Sector – Provider Forums and Task & Finish Group You said CM2000 Zones Cooperation Business Viability Recruitment & Retention Variation in Prices leading to inconsistency and unintended consequences We’ve responded Confirmed use and system. Reviewed and proposed new zones Mix of Blocks and framework Flex boundaries to meet urgent needs Brokerage Model Proposed Pricing Strategy
Commissioning Priorities – Home Care CAPACITY QUALITY AFFORDIBILITY
Tender Plan Specification currently in final draft stage – Key points Adults only – does not include care for people under the age of 18. Defines Social Care and Health Tasks Health Tasks only to be undertaken with prior agreement - Option for the NHS to be part of the procurement with integrated schedule. Introduces 12 Zones to replace 26 POAs Framework and Blocks Extra Care lot to be included New brokerage pathway Confirms ECM requirements (CM2000) New performance/monitoring requirements Care Act Compliant – Including Individual Service Funds
Proposed Timescales Procurement to go live March 2017 Tender period 30 days. Evaluation and decisions by end of May 2017 Mobilisation June – Sept 2017 Phased mobilisation Prioritisation of mobilisation Takes account of potential TUPE requirements
Proposed Zones 12 Zones, based around the market towns No zone is just rural Populations 18+ & 65+ Weekly Care Hours – 2300 to 5700 Zones organised by post codes within wards not address Ability to flex around the boundaries Intelligent rostering – call cluster and cooperation between providers
Map of Zones
ECM – CM2000 SCC continues to be committed to using ECM CM2000 will be the system used by SCC for the short – medium term Brokerage portal integral to new pathway for brokerage Improving compliance a priority Brokerage ECM logging increases – manual logging decreases Data accuracy critical (both sides) Interfaces where practical and possible Looking to improved automation to increase compliance Payment bands 15 minutes and thereafter 3 minute bands
Brokerage Currently sits with Adult Social Care – assessment teams in SSOTP and IF Providers have relationships and regular communication with SSOTP brokers in particular April 2017 all home care brokerage will be carried out by SCC New Team will have greater visibility of consistency of business process, trends and pressures. CM2000 portal to be the primary pathway consistently applied. Greater opportunities to enable providers to plan for staffing and care requirements
Outcomes What we mean by Outcomes Ensure capacity and deployment matches demand and assessed care needs Zones and blocks are intended to provide better greater stability in the workforce and efficiency. Limited to 800hrs with flex to 1000 hrs per week per block. Prioritise blocks for those zones where instability is greatest.
Outcomes Expectation that we will get to a position where brokerage specifies weekly package hours & time critical components (macro level), providers will develop individual plans with service users and their carers to ensure deployment of care hours meets assessed outcomes (micro level) ECM will be retained How would you pass on the greater security to staff?
Timescales 4 years legal maximum for Framework Duration. 3 years + 1 extension. 2017-18 mobilisation and stabilisation 2018-19 innovation initiatives (enable, incentives, increase quality) 2019-21 embed, innovate and improve
Provider Briefing Home Care 2017/18 Financial Modelling and Fee Proposals
Overview Key messages about the strategic priorities and commitment to working together What we have been told by the market Financial constraints across the system and in particular for SCC Consolidated Fee proposals
Local Context Strategic Priorities Whole system working Avoiding hospital admissions D2A Working with Providers to foster a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability
Proposals for 2017/18 Budget £4.3 million for 2017-18 proposed for fee increases based on an affordability test £2.5 million proposed to residential and nursing for 2017 – 18 1.3 million proposed for domiciliary care
Analysis Consolidated Rates are being put forward for consideration by the market The methodology for modelling the proposals is based on:- Current hourly rates (variable) across the County both framework and invoice led Home Care £12.80 to £22.30 Extra Care £11.97 to £16.55 Consolidating the rates for all Providers on the framework NMW increase Benchmarking with comparator Local Authorities Re-modelling of the framework contracts to cluster visits and reduce travel time
Fee Proposals Proposed rates Generic Rate of £15.64 Enhanced Rate for localities where there is a lack of capacity £16.70 Extra Care £13.37 (based on a reduction to reflect the volume of consolidated hours and no travel costs)
Benchmarking Domiciliary care rates (hourly) 1. Gloucestershire £15.63 Domiciliary care rates (hourly) 1. Gloucestershire £15.63 2. Telford £15.56 3. Herefordshire £13.96 4. Dudley £13.84 5. Stoke £13.40 6. Wolverhampton £13.72 - £13.92 7. Worcestershire £12.34 8. Sandwell £12.97 9. Walsall £12.50 10. Birmingham £11.48 11. Shropshire TBC
Timescales Timeline for the engagement process Engagement Sessions 27.01.17 & 30.01.17. Survey Monkey will be live from 01.02.2017 Inviting views on the models/financial proposals and options for implementation SCC Budget 2017/18 to be agreed by Cabinet – Legal Duty to set a balanced budget DASS has delegated authority to agree within set budget totals.