Weekly Newsletter: April 7th – April 11th Name: _______________________ Weekly Newsletter: April 7th – April 11th Week at a Glance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Running Club, 8:15 Behavior Note Friday Flag Individual Sight Words Spelling Pattern Words Pattern: R-Controlled O -ore core bore store -or- corn thorn sport 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ Weekly Vocabulary Words Read Aloud: No vocabulary this week. Homework Comprehension Focus: Retell the stories you read to someone in your family. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Read for 15 minutes Spelling Pattern/Sight Word Practice Math: Count by Tens Math: Compare Numbers Parent initials _____ Parent initials ____ Remember: You can take A.R. quizzes at school for stories you read at home! Just write down the title or quiz number (you can find the quiz number on arbookfind.com)
Parent Information Greetings Parents! I hope you all had a wonderful spring break! We will begin preparing for our All American Musical this week. Ask your students about the songs they are learning! Field trip permissions slips are being sent home at the beginning of the week. Please make sure you return your child’s form as soon as possible. Thank you! Living the Dolphin Way Living the Dolphin way is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Thank you for helping your child live the Dolphin Way at home and at school! Thank You! Thank you to everyone who came to Open House! It was so fun to see everyone celebrate their child’s amazing work. Wish List: We are in need of the following items – *Copy paper Important Dates and Reminders: 4/11: Friday Flag 4/18: Friday Flag, Student of the Month 4/18: Field Trip, Children’s Museum 4/25: Daddy Daughter Dance 5/22: All American Musical Performance Learning Goals: Word Work: Students will learn to read and spell words with R-controlled vowels. Please see the front of the newsletter for examples. Reading: Students will read and discuss different versions of classic tales. We will discuss how the versions are similar and different. Math: Students will continue their investigation into place value. Students will find ten more and ten less than a given number without counting on or back. Writing: Students will practice writing a narrative paragraph. We will write a narrative about losing a tooth. *Social Studies (American figures and symbols) and Science (Habitats around the world) are embedded into reading and writing assignments.