Hamster Miniature Obstacle Course By: Caiden Burleson
Explore It Well last year my 3rd grade teacher’s hamster, Winter, was fat. It is not healthy for a hamster to be fat.
Think It Make a obstacle course Make a treadmill Make him run around in his ball Don’t put a lot of food in his bowl Let him run around
Sketch it
Create it Box Little people toys Legos Hot glue String Fruit Loops Kabob sticks
Try it Well he made it to the end of each section but then just turned around and went back. So, we moved him to each section.
Tweak it I think I should put a little bit of hamster food at the beginning of the 2nd row. I could have made one long obstacle course instead of three rows.
Sell it Buy a Hamster Miniature Obstacle Course! If you have a chubby hamster and it needs some exercise…LOOK no further. Buy a Hamster Miniature Obstacle Course!