Turbo, Turbo, Turbo! Alon Blich A.B.C
Why Optimize Queries ? From my 20 years experience writing database applications the thing that takes by far the most amount of time are database operations and out of that the thing that takes by far the most amount of time are read operations, and the place with the biggest performance improvement.
Sample Case Reports with Always Changing Filters and a Fixed Execution Plan FOR EACH Order, EACH Customer OF Order, EACH OrderLine OF Order, EACH Item OF OrderLine.
Introduction to Query Optimization Changing the Execution without Changing the Result Indexes Join Order Choosing a Plan Rule Based Optimizer Cost Based Optimizer More Scans and Joins USE NO-INDEX Index Only Skip Scan
4GL Query Optimizer Demo
4GL Query Optimizer Features at a Glance Future Plans Compatible with Version 9 or Better Code Injection Protection Future Plans CAN-FIND( ) in Dynamic Queries More Scans and More Joins Cost-Based Optimization
Related Projects Based on the Standard Libraries Open Source Project V9 Exception Handling V9 Logging HTTP/S ZIP XML Win API Timing Events Code Parsing SVN UIB/Editor Hook Salesforce.com Integration etc. Google API Word and Excel Utilities
alonblich@gmail.com +972-54-2188086 Thank you! Question? alonblich@gmail.com +972-54-2188086