Paulo Coelho Background Information and Notes The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Background Information and Notes
Introduction What is The Alchemist about? Alchemist video
What is Alchemy? Alchemy = Chemistry? Alchemy = medicine? Western alchemy lead to the science we now know as chemistry. Alchemy = medicine? Alchemy studies also led to modern medicinal cures, especially in herbal cures and Chinese medicine.
What is Alchemy? Alchemy An early form of investigating nature A philosophical and spiritual discipline It has been practiced world-round and it’s “science” spans over 2500 years!
Alchemy… The root and history of the word comes from Greek meaning to separate and to join together. Types of Alchemy Spygric art – plant alchemy Transform common metals into gold.
Philosopher’s Stone and The Elixir of Life The Elixir of Life – a remedy that would supposedly cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. The Philosopher's Stone - a legendary substance that was believed to be the key to both the elixir of life AND transforming metal into gold.
Who is Paulo Coelho? Influential contemporary author 11 books Translated to 57 languages 51 million copies published and sold in 150 countries "His books have had a life-enhancing impact on millions of people“ wrote The Times in the UK.
Context The Alchemist is a story about Santiago, a shepherd. It combines philosophies and faiths of many different cultures and time periods. Aims: Personal truth Fate and destiny Personal happiness
Setting Santiago travels on a journey from ______________ to _____________ Andalusia/Tarifa Spain Tangier, Morocco Jerusalem, Israel
What is a fable? Fables Recognizable Characters Simple settings Often give animals and parts of nature human qualities and characteristics. Emphasize a moral: a truth about human nature or life.
Preview… Lego Animation of a scene in the story: Santiago Meets the Old Man