Fig. 4. A 50-year-old woman with invasive ductal cancer involving left breast underwent breast MRI and PET-CT. (a, b) On axial breast MRI, irregular and huge infiltrative enhancing mass with direct skin invasion and enhancement is seen. Nipple and areolar complex is also involved. Skin thickening and enhancement is diffuse, over third of breast skin is involved. (c) On PET-CT image, the mass with FDG uptake is seen (SUVmax 18.4) and diffuse and mild FDG uptake is seen on overlying skin. Fig. 4. A 50-year-old woman with invasive ductal cancer involving left breast underwent breast MRI and PET-CT. (a, b) On axial breast MRI, irregular and huge infiltrative enhancing mass with direct skin invasion and enhancement is seen. Nipple and areolar complex is also involved. Skin thickening and enhancement is diffuse, over third of breast skin is involved. (c) On PET-CT. . . Investig Magn Reson Imaging. 2016 Mar;20(1):9-26.