Education Specialist, Program Manager (aka Administrator) Misbah Keen, MD, MPH, MBI Co-Director Jeanne Cawse-Lucas, MD Co-Director Jaime Fitch Education Specialist, Program Manager (aka Administrator) Updated 3/22/17 Fitch
GOALS Learn and apply key components of the Family Medicine approach to health care: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Care Comprehensive Care Continuity of Care Context of Care Coordination and Integration of Care Buffalo, WY
Objectives Discuss the principles of care within the framework of family medicine. Bozeman, MT Discuss the critical role of family physicians within any health care system.
Objectives 2-4: Clinical Knowledge Gather information, formulate differential diagnoses, propose initial diagnostic evaluation, and offer management plans for patients with common presentations within the within the framework of the family medicine. Manage initial evaluation and follow-up visits with patients needing longitudinal care such as such as chronic disease and pregnancy, in a family medicine setting. Collaboratively, with patient input, develop evidence-based health promotion/disease prevention plans for patients of any age or gender in a family medicine setting. Central WA FMRP in Yakima
Objectives 5-6: Patient Centered Communication & Professionalism Demonstrate use of patient centered communication skills during history taking, physical exam, use of electronic health records, and collaborative decisions making in an outpatient setting. Demonstrate professionalism in the care of patients and families, and in interactions with the health care team and communities. Bozeman, MT
Family Medicine Clerkship Left menu: info for students
Assignment Tracker Track all curricular activities and timelines online Update Assignment Tracker WEEKLY Bring print out of tracker to Mid & End of Clerkship Reviews SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN, weekly assignments at bottom
CLINICAL KNOWLEDGE Acute Conditions Chronic Diseases Maintenance for Adult and Child Health Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery Sitka, AK
Clinical Knowledge Acute Conditions – see at least 14 of 18 Chronic Diseases – see at least 10 of 13 Health Maintenance: Adult – see at least 11 of 14 Child – see at least 7 of 9 Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery – see at least 5 of 6 Not all sites have this, so much complete corresponding FMCase
Effective Patient Centered Care (EPCC) mini-CEX for FMC: WWW.PCOF.US WEEKS 1&2 Learn EPCC concepts through articles, videos and direct observations
This is the FMC Mini-CEX OBJECTIVE 2: Effective Patient Centered Care (EPCC) mini-CEX for FMC: WWW.PCOF.US WEEKS 2-6 Apply EPCC concepts into practice using the Patient Centered Observation Form 4-6 times This is the FMC Mini-CEX
OPTIONAL CURRICULUM Can complete at anytime - recommend early
Professionalism Review: Professional expectations of the clerkship Professionalism section of Feedback & Evaluation form Discuss professional performance at Mid & End of Clerkship - REQUIRED Professionalism Awards Student Award Staff and Faculty Award 2014-15 Faculty and Student Professionalism Award Winners
Professional Learning Environment Teacher-learner relationships: Both have rights and responsibilities Responsibilities of Teachers Treat learners fairly, respectfully, and without bias related to their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or national origin. Give learners timely, constructive, and accurate feedback.
Professional Learning Environment Responsibilities of Learners: Be courteous and respectful of others. Put patients' welfare ahead of educational needs. Know limitations and ask for help when needed. Maintain patient confidentiality. View feedback as an opportunity to improve knowledge and performance skills.
DUTY HOURS Please check your UWSOM student handbook for work hours policy.
Professional Resiliency Recipe for FM Clerkship Success
Professionalism Concerning Comments and Low scores We aim to protect student confidentiality. Unless there is imminent danger we do not notify the site until anonymity can reasonably be assured. We would like permission to contact you, but we respect your choice. Omak, WA
Formal Curriculum: fmCASES 40 interactive virtual cases: - 33 fmCASES (1-33) - 5 CLIPP (1,2,3,4,13) - 2 SIMPLE Cases (2,6) Used nationally Self-assessment questions Link to cases is on website and in Assignment tracker! Tacoma FMR
WHY fmCASES? Curricular equivalence for all: Creates equal learning opportunities across rotation sites and time of year Teaches you to be a doctor: Muscle memory is important - flow is consistent with clinical encounters Develops clinical reasoning, differential diagnosis building, and patient interaction skills Studying a textbook may give similar knowledge but will not help build clinical competency
More on FMCASEs Key content within cases is reflected in the PDFs. Redundancy in cases is intentional. These topics are common and should be mastered. You can search major diagnosis and content using this FMCases, SIMPLE and CLIPP content list. Also on assignment tracker under corresponding diagnosis. Links are tested annually. If they are not working, email MedU and they will fix immediately. Q. Are all 40 cases (33 fmCASES plus 5 CLIPP and 2 SIMPLE) represented on the fmCASES final exam? A. Yes, the questions are closely aligned with the material in each of these cases. These are also part of the annual content update process, so when content in the cases is changed, the corresponding questions are addressed.
Using fmCASES WElL Look through the list of chief complaints. If you see a real patient with one of these chief complaints, do the corresponding case(s). Pace yourself and work through at least 1 case/day Plan to spend an average of 45min/case. Core content is included within the body of the case. Links are a supplement and not required to do well.
Outside of Havre, Montana Required Activities Week One: Site Orientation Attendance review including possible travel day Clerkship Orientation Webinar Week Two: Required Clinical Reasoning Practice Test (Catalyst) Outside of Havre, Montana
Required Activities Week Three Mid-Clerkship Review Week Six Final Exam Thu 9:30am-12:30pm PT End of Clerkship Review End of Week Six Site and Faculty Evaluations 4-6 times DURING the rotation Use of the PCOF form as the mini-CEX Pocatello, ID
Clinical Reasoning Practice Test Required Material on Catalyst at this URL: Here is the link: 14 questions based on fmCASES 2, 4, 6, 20, 21 Review answers Offer exam strategies Wyoming FMR Voluntary conference call with the clerkship Co-Director: Monday of Week THREE from 12N – 1pm PACIFIC TIME
Why Do we have CLINICAL REASONING PRACTICE TEST? More residency programs are using USMLE scores to screen applicants. Whitefish, MT Recent increase in STEP 2 passing score (now 209)
FINAL EXAM: Clinical knowledge assessment Thursday of week 6 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm PACFIC TIME Online, closed book 100 Questions Based exclusively on fmCases, CLIPP and SIMPLE cases Anacortes, WA
Evaluation Process Site Director collects feedback from preceptors about student’s performance. Site Director incorporates feedback into preliminary grade form considering depth, length of time, and when each faculty worked with the student. Final grades are assigned by Clerkship Directors at the Seattle office based on the site’s scores and final exam performance.
Grading Knowledge of Subject Area Data-Gathering Skills Student Evaluations are based on 11 scoring categories and the final exam Knowledge of Subject Area Data-Gathering Skills Clinical Skills Patient-Centered Care Skills Management Skills Integration Skills Communication Skills Relationships with Patients Professional Relationships Dependability and Responsibility Educational Attitudes
Feedback & Evaluation Form
Grading Criteria 2017-18
Final EXAM SCORES Honors (82 percent and above) – grade adjustment: +0.1 High Pass (75 to 81.9 percent) – grade adjustment: No adjustment Pass (60 to 74.9 percent) – grade adjustment: -0.2 Fail (less than 60 percent) – Remediation needed – the highest Final Grade a student can receive is a Pass NOTE: If you Pass on the Exam it is not possible to get Honors as a Final Grade
Remediation In the event that you fail the exam, you are required register for online remediation course FAMED 598. You will need to study for the test again and will be required to re-take and pass the exam.
EHR ORIENTATION CHECK LIST See: Family Medicine Clerkship website > Info for Students