Different parts of chicken
Click on chicken’s part to know his name exercise Click on chicken’s part to know his name
wishbone Wing
innerfillet / aiguillette
Wings tip
giblets: gizzards heart liver
exercise: what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part? click on question mark to know the answer ?
innerfillet / aiguillette
what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part?
Wings tip
what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part?
what is the name of this part?
wishbone breast
what is the name of giblets?
the giblets are: gizzards heart liver
from the definition, find the correct part of chicken described example: the row of bones in the middle of the back? answer: the backbone
definition: a long thin slice of cooked meat, especially a narrow strip cut lengthwise from the breast of a fowl. wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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definition: A muscular, thick-walled part of a bird's stomach for grinding food, typically with grit [cailloux] wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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definition: A large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates, involved in many metabolic processes wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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one of the parts of the body of a bird that it uses for flying definition: one of the parts of the body of a bird that it uses for flying wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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definition: shaped bone between the neck and breast of a chicken, duck, etc. When the bird is eaten, this bone is sometimes pulled apart by two people, and the person who gets the larger part can make a wish. wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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morsel of meat on each side of the backbone in poultry definition: morsel of meat on each side of the backbone in poultry wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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the top (the highest) part of the leg of a chicken cooked and eaten definition: the top (the highest) part of the leg of a chicken cooked and eaten wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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definition: A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles. wishbone heart thigh leg wing liver gizzards inner fillet tail drumstick wings tip oyster breast
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definition: the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other bird that is cooked and eaten as food
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one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body definition: one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body
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the thin pointed end of the wing definition: the thin pointed end of the wing
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definition: the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird
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the front part of a bird's body definition: the front part of a bird's body
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Technical words about poultry thaw (of ice, snow, or another frozen substance, such as food) become liquid or soft as a result of warming up: cleaning chicken Remove the giblets being inside the chicken free Range Free-range implies freedom of movement and being raised in clean soil with fresh vegetation and grass available for the chickens. This calls for unlimited space for the chickens to roam [se promener en liberté] stuff Fill (the cavity) with a savoury or sweet mixture, especially before cooking truss Tie up the wings and legs of (a chicken or other bird) before cooking cutting up To divide a food into smaller portions, usually with a knife or scissors bone A cut of meat from which the bone has been removed or to remove the bone from a cut of meat.