CFT Gateway Center (3488-3452 E. Foothill Blvd CFT Gateway Center (3488-3452 E. Foothill Blvd.) Predevelopment Plan Review Pre-Development Review Process established to achieve better projects through early consultation between City staff and applicants Identify issues that may arise during application process Plans routed to all City Departments for comments Comments presented to applicant in mid-September Project met the threshold to be presented to the City Council as an information item City Council July 10, 2017
Predevelopment Plan Review Projects of Communitywide Significance: Projects greater than 50,000 square feet in size with at least one discretionary action Projects with 50 of more housing units Project scope includes 258 multi-family units Informational Only – No Action Required
Property Location FOOTHILL BLVD Project site on S. Los Robles Ave. just south of Green Street. Area of 18,600 sf. Surrounding properties include: Parking structure for the Paseo Mall to the north A sister mixed-use project to the south that is currently under construction. To the south of that is the Livingston Hotel Office building across the street to the east. Project site is currently developed with two small buildings and surface parking.
Project Summary 3452 E. Foothill Blvd.: EPSP-d2-CG-B (East Pasadena Specific Plan, Subarea d2, General Commercial, Specific Parcel B) Zoning District 187,410 sq. ft. (4.3 acres) Site developed with: Panda Inn Restaurant (7,500 sq. ft.) Office Building, 11 stories (121,590 sq. ft.) Surface Parking
Project Summary Cont. New 258-unit multi-family residential (Urban Housing) complex consisting of two buildings totaling 239,168 square feet; Remodel of the existing one-story, Panda Inn Restaurant building and a 535 square-foot addition; Exterior remodel of the first and second floors of the existing office building; and 737 parking spaces for the site, provided in two levels of subterranean parking, two levels of above-grade podium parking, one level of at-grade podium parking, and at- grade surface lots.
Site Plan (Ground Floor Plan) Top picture – street elevation Bottom picture – side elevation
Residential Buildings SOUTH ELEVATION
Residential Buildings WEST ELEVATION
Panda Inn Restaurant
Office Building
Foothill Blvd. Elevation
Current Planning Comments
Current Planning Comments
Current Planning Comments The PPR project is not in compliance with the following development standards: Side Setback: The residential building proposes a side setback of zero feet, where 10 feet is required on the east elevation. Through the Design Review process, the side setback may be reduced if the reduction results in a larger courtyard.
Design Comments Preliminary Consultation with Design Commission: Study compatibility with the surrounding context and the architectural character and legacy of Pasadena, including materials, architecture, and color palette. Study pedestrian connectivity on-site and along commercial frontage along Foothill Blvd to activate the street edge along Foothill Boulevard, and promote connectivity to public transit, especially the Sierra Madre Villa Metro station. Study cohesive architectural design elements that tie the project site buildings together.
Discretionary Entitlements Design Review: For a project that exceeds 25,000 sq. ft. Next Step Design Commission Reviews (Concept and Final Design Review) and CEQA
CFT Gateway Center (3488-3452 E. Foothill Blvd CFT Gateway Center (3488-3452 E. Foothill Blvd.) Predevelopment Plan Review Pre-Development Review Process established to achieve better projects through early consultation between City staff and applicants Identify issues that may arise during application process Plans routed to all City Departments for comments Comments presented to applicant in mid-September Project met the threshold to be presented to the City Council as an information item City Council July 10, 2017