Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Main Electronics Package iPSR Management Apr 10, 2017
EIDP Status
EIDP Status
SPP/FIELDS/TDS FSW Item # Description Status 1 Product identification fsw_op_v12 2 Release notes fsw_op_v12_relnotes 3 Related documents SPF_TDS_002_SDP SPF_TDS_004_SRS SPF_TDS_007_STP SPF_TDS_000_RVM 4 Waivers (none) 5 Anomalies 6 Verification test procedures / results 7 Requirements verification matrix 8 Executable code fsw_op_v12.srec 9 Reports for acceptance testing SPF CPT
EIDP Status
Closed and Open Risks
I&T Support
Review Status
Summary Path Forward FIELDS is following our December agreement with Project on the priority of MEP over Antennas Commitment to an MEP delivery schedule in early April 2017 implied priority over “test as you fly” in some cases FIELDS MEP will be integrated into the SPP body without having tested with the assembled FM Antennas. We have tested Mitigating this is the use of flight parts in the EM Preamps. However, surface properties of the Antenna are only simulated and so there is still a small violation of “test as you fly.” Another mitigation is the EM MEP will be involved in the FM Antenna TV. We have maintained the EM MEP in the same configuration as the FM MEP. So, this risk is low. The FM2 SCM will be delivered after the MEP is on the spacecraft. Thus, we will perform all tests of the MEP with the FM1 SCM or EM SCM, with a swap-out at spacecraft I&T. Pre- and post-swap data will be taken and compared. We are committed to having SPP a complete success Thus, we believe we may need extra time on the spacecraft for testing, perhaps some calibration checks, of the MEP with Antennas. This could be done after normal working hours, if necessary.