Key concepts from last time Social Role Social Actor Identity Social Construction We considered aspects of identity and which are social constructed We learned that society constructs ideas about what is considered to be normal/acceptable for each aspect of our identity We seek to conform so we are not regarded as deviant We learned that this desire to conform is probably linked to our evolution as `pack` animals We considered which aspects of our identity had the most influence and least influence on how we see ourselves at this stage in our lives.
SOCIAL CLASS, HIGH CULTURE & LOW CULTURE Year 1 sociology introducing culture socialisation and identity
Culture of the Individual We have already learned that the culture of the individual refers to your way of life, beliefs and traditions. We know that it includes language, accents, manners, diet etc.
Subculture = a culture within a culture A group with norms and values that are distinct from others who they may live alongside
Other types of culture: 1. High Culture 2. Popular Culture 3. Consumer Culture
High Culture Products and activities which have high status. Ballet, classical literature and music. History, Museums Polo Often activities and brands that are associated with the elite in society.
Question…who are the elite? Discuss in groups Who were the elite 500 years ago? Who were the elite 100 years ago? Who are the elite now? What has changed? Can you explain this change?
500 years Aristocracy & Lords Landowners
100 Years Add to your list…. Capitalists – Factory owners/ owners of large businesses Politicians The professions – Doctors, Barristers, Judges
Now Add to the list Celebrity/Sport Innovators The growth of the middle classes Aristocracy separated
Popular Culture Products and activities enjoyed by the masses (majority) of society. List some examples Some may regard these as inferior to the activities on the previous slide.
Consumer Culture Society dominated by media and advertising where shopping is a leisure activity Individuals are defined in terms of the brands they own Identity is shaped by media & celebrity culture You can change who you are by what you can buy Individuals acquire status through consumer choices
Activity Summarise the ideas of Bourdieu on p6 and p26 Complete all activities on p6. Qu 2 & 3 are extended writing questions make sure they are answered fully in continuous prose using paragraphs/punctuation and adopting an academic style.