East Hall under construction - 1962 East Area Renovation Project Cost and Schedule review – Preliminary Conclusions R. Steerenberg, C. Rembser, H. Wilkens, L. Serio, L. Scibile, S. Prodon, J.P. Tock Many thanks to S. Evrard
Many Thanks… First of all many thanks to all speakers that provided an overview of the different parts of the project and the related cost and schedule aspects Thanks to all the participants for their availability and fruitful discussions, which were very valuable for our discussions Last but surely not least thank to the organizers of the review We are convinced that preparing the review was already beneficial for the project S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
In General The project is still young and many work was done and progress was made. The WBS at the higher levels is clear, but in some places the details are not yet clear, which will make monitoring difficult They are known by the groups but should become clear to the project management The review committee is positive on the fact that the project has taken 6-7% in the central budget to be able to balance the scope of the different WPs. S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
In General The highest priority is to get a frozen layout and apertures. Magnets and power converters can be decided upon. This is an iterative process that can take time. March 2017 the technical specifications should be clear For the aperture decision losses and activation should be considered Prioritise all activities that are beyond the baseline such that a staging approach can be applied, with clear milestones for the decisions Some risk analysis were made, but there is no cost attached to them. Complete the risk analysis for the baseline activities. Since the first estimate additional items had to be added. Are we sure that no more needs to be added ? All groups were contacted for input. S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
In General B263 will become idle, is an other project in search of building surface than can then be saved (partly) on an other project Part of B251 will also be available. Clarify the missing resources issue For some the financing is clear but the availability not yet S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Magnets The baseline for the magnets (reuse present dipoles) is actually no option for EPC . It does not fit their foreseen (standard) power converters The option to rebuild the magnets and re-use the coils is also no real option Also not good for the power converter side Not desired by the magnets to reuse ‘old’ coils The budget is 2.6 MCHF and the ‘performance’ option is now 3.25 MCHF 600 kCHF is presently missing and this is a high priority activity on the critical path The project has to go for the extra cost and in a later stage see if this money can be recuperate on other lower priority parts (EPC, B251, ….) S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Civil Engineering The B157 is fully covered financially, but the 400 kCHF overrun is due to the renovation of Building 251 (power converters) The false floor (structure might be recuperate and this money could be saved) The 251 envelope (not mandatory yet, especially as the power converter dissipation will be lower) Somebody should study if with the present building they can maintain the present building and make this renovation a lower priority The essential parts for B251 are costed in other budgets Demin, light,..) Perhaps Make a separate work package for the 251 building. include all related activities This will give a clear picture of the total cost for B251 allow prioritisation At least make a full analysis of the cost and get the details For CE there is no contingency anymore in the planning until the FC of December 2017 Critical path S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Beam stoppers The scope is not clear yet Functional spec of beam stoppers should be established Input from RP and safety units required. Cost higher than budget to be detailed and clarified S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
EN-EL The DC cabling campaign in 2nd half of 2020 relies on the extra 2 FTE.y If the 2 FTE.y are not available then the activity should move outside the LS2 EN-EL resources are fully committed in LS2, hence all resources allocated The resources should be ensured as this is a major risk for delay of the project EN-EA has taken a part of the work, but the budget was not reduced Clarify the change of scope and share the budget accordingly S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
CV Additional required resource identified, but if these do not materialise then the risk of schedule delay is big Make risk analysis Details still to be clarified hence cost to be refined. Input needed form different groups/WPs S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Scheduling The review committee is pleased to see that the project planning is made in collaboration with EN/ACE, taking into account the big picture of LS2. The running of CLOUD under the present schedule is possible. For the last run the schedule was accommodated. The project should consider the option to use the period foreseen to complete the project in case delays were accumulated. Machine related LS2 activities have priority above the East Area project. This increases the risk on the schedule and possibly cost The reviewers recommend to add: Milestones to the panning Show the critical path activities Show dependencies S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Cost over run Not yet a clear picture to be able to prioritise the WBS and associate risks The asbestos removal has a important cost overrun Safety systems S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
Final conclusions to come…... Many thanks to all Final conclusions to come…... S.Evrard, 17-11-2016 IEFC
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