Facility Energy Program AF Civil Engineer Center Energy Directorate
Overview New Facility Energy Direction Resiliency Layered Approach Attributes/Examples Where to do it? Methodology for Resilience Installation Energy Master Plan (IEMP) Questions
AF’s Energy Direction “Mission Assurance through Energy Assurance” From A Mandate Based Program Mission Assurance From Base-driven rqmts Enterprise perspectives From silo’d approaches Integrated solutions Every time we do a major work order or project we should be thinking about energy efficiency & resiliency and getting to the “sweet spot” Is this for all work, or just big projects What is Energy Assurance vs Energy Resilience? How are we getting there? ? What is your value on Resilience What % of Assurance do I need? What is this going to cost What is this going to cost How do we score it for investment
Defining Energy Resiliency Layered Approach Energy Security = Reduce Demand, Assure Supply and Provide Resilience Energy Resilience: The ability to prepare for & recover from energy disruptions that impact mission assurance on military installations. Redundant, hardened, diverse, and available energy systems that provide flexibility to quickly recover from disruption Gen Graphic depicts a layered approach to energy resiliency: Layer 1 (Critical Asset) “Redundancy” and “Hardening” Layer 2 (Internal to the Installation) “Diversification” Layer 3 (External to the Installation) “Availability”
Defining Energy Resiliency Attributes / Examples Redundancy: dual feeds to a critical mission, “looping” a system Hardening: preventive maintenance, cybersecure config system, over to underground, EMP (threat specific) Diversification: on-base generation; renewables (w/appropriate storage) or alternative energy sources Availability: the right quantity/quality of energy when a mission needs it Examples: Working w/ commercial providers for rates, linear segmentation, and establishing risk tolerances (allowable downtimes) with msn owners Recovery: how fast can a mission recover after a disruption Examples: processes/tools to assist recovery; installations’ contingency response plans; commercial providers’ response plans Energy Resiliency Energy Assurance Mission Assurance Redundancy + Hardening + Diversification + Availability + Recovery provide Energy Resiliency and Assurance… enabling Mission Assurance
Resiliency Attributes Where How Top Down: New AF Policy Push – mission commanders Bottom Up: Concepts from installations based on local opportunities
Methodology for Resilience Develop concepts / technology Deal with the known-knows, but capture opportunities Beale AFB, JB-McGuire/Dix/Lakehurst Engage Mission Commanders Priorities and requirements New DoDI Clearing House concept AFIMSC & AFCEC Execution Silos MILCON, SRM, Meters, Installation Planning, Land use, Standards, Utilities $, ESPCs, EULs, PPAs, Labs, Contingency Plans, Utility contracts, Training, etc, etc AF Office of Energy Assurance Holistic approach Installation Energy Plans TTPs & Plans 3rd party $ Utilities& PUCs Sustainment Direct invest Military training / schools Mission Support Functions RESILIENCE Mission Commanders Mission Impact Priorities Risk COOP Savings / Cost Avoidance Defense of Civil Authorities
Examples Installation Energy Plans Clearing House / Holistic 3 June 2018 Examples Installation Energy Plans JB-McGuire Dix Lakehurst – Lessons learned f/ Super Storm Sandy Major weapon system bed downs Clearing House / Holistic Beale AFB – Rapid mission expansion, energy as a service ERCOT RFI – On and off base power Multiple PV efforts under privatized housing Resilience Nellis II – PV at rate base, 2nd feeder & substation as payment in kind Geothermal RFI – non-intermittent and scalable power Low Hanging Opportunities & Old tools used differently Holloman; 30yr lease w/ FAR 41 contract(s) f/ power Fence to Fence ESPC looks
Questions Have questions/comments on Energy? Contact AFCEC/CN POCs (Comm: (850) 283-xxxx, DSN 523) Director, Mr. Robert Gill x6347 Deputy Director, Lt Col Brian George, x6867 Prgm Dev Chief, Mr. Les Martin, x6475 Analysis Chief, Mr. Dan Soto, x6222 Rates/Renewables Chief, Mr. Dan Gerdes, x6357 AMRS Chief, Mr. Frank (Paul) Carnley, x3150