Highlights from the November Network Team Institute Elaine Zseller, Ph.D.
General Notes Implementation of Common Core standards Curriculum is district decision Instruction is teacher decision Test guides will be available by January Regents will be released
Math Notes Honor lesson objective and rigor of modules Choose from each of the components of the lesson i.e If time for math in grades K – 5 is 40 minutes, select from the suggested fluencies, do the application problem as part of the morning “do now” time, choose from the conceptual development, choose from the practice set, choose from the lesson debrief, assign selected problems from the homework.
Math Notes Some California schools are using the NYSED modules California will translate the modules to Spanish New York will translate to five languages next year Look in earlier grade for basic models
Math Notes – Grade 8 Do not need vector notation for NYSED assessment NYSED assessment will not include proofs Some lessons are optional – these will not be tested
Nassau BOCES Common Core Links PARCC Frameworks – will guide construction of 2014 NYSED assessments Emphases documents – will guide emphasis of NYSED assessments Performance Level Description documents – may be used to guide instruction differentiation