Ecosystems, Energy, Recycling
copyright cmassengale Energy Flow Energy in an ecosystem originally comes from the sun Energy flows through Ecosystems from producers to consumers Producers (make food) Consumers (use food by eating producers or other consumers) copyright cmassengale
Feeding Relationships Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction from producers to various levels of consumers copyright cmassengale
Feeding Relationships Food Chain Simple energy path through an ecosystem -Doesn’t account for detritivores -Far too long and simple Food Web More realistic path through an ecosystem made of many food chains copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Food Chain 3rd Order consumer 2nd Order Consumer 1st order Consumer 4th Order Consumer Producer (trapped sunlight & stored food) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Food Web copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale
Each Level In A Food Chain or Food Web is a Trophic Level. Trophic Levels Each Level In A Food Chain or Food Web is a Trophic Level. Producers Always the first trophic level Where energy enters the system Herbivores Second Trophic Level copyright cmassengale
Each level depends on the one below it for energy. Trophic Levels Carnivores/Omnivores Make Up The Remaining Trophic Levels Each level depends on the one below it for energy. copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Ecological Pyramids Graphic Representations Of The Relative Amounts of Energy or Matter At Each Trophic Level May be: Energy Pyramid Biomass Pyramid Biomass – dry mass of an organism(s) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Energy Pyramid copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Biomass Pyramid copyright cmassengale
Primary Productivity The rate of energy captured by producers OR The rate at which biomass is added Determines the first level of a pyramid Gross PP – the total amount captured Net PP – the amount of energy available after producer maintains self (respiration)