Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Webinar Date: August 20, 2014 Presented by: Office of Workforce Investment (OWI) U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
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Employment and Training Administration Welcome! Andrala Walker Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
About ETA’s Workforce Innovation Fund Engagement Series Provide a national forum to discuss the power and promise of innovation Share lessons learned and promising practices from the Workforce Innovation Fund grantees in three key areas: Innovating at the Speed of Business Advancing Career Pathways Innovations Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations
Today’s Agenda Introduction of Today’s Moderator and Presenters Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership’s WIF Project Overview Ohio Department of Job and Family Services’ WIF Project Overview Utah Department of Workforce Services and Montana Department of Labor and Industry’s WIF Project Overview Dialogue with Presenters Wrap Up and Closing
Ways to Engage With Us NOW Questions? You can enter questions directly into the chat room during the webinar. On Twitter? You can tweet questions to our @USDOL account. Don’t forget to use our hashtag for this event - #workforceinnovation
Moderator Robert Kight, Director Division of WIA Adult Services and Workforce System Employment and Training Administration
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations 47, 680,920 adults in the U.S. need better skills and wages to join the middle class 25% of adults have a license, certification or educational certificate, but we have limited data on non-degree credentials. Approximately $42M of federal grant funding supported the development of state data systems in 2013.
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Good Data Matters! To Policymakers To Students, Workers, and Job Seekers To Business Leaders
Presenters Presenter: Dena Al-Khatib, Program Development Specialist, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership Project Name: Integrated Workforce Information System Presenter: Mark Birnbrich, Project Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Project Name: Electronic Ohio Means Jobs (e-OMJ) Presenter: Elizabeth Carver, Grant Manager and Program Manager for the Labor Exchange and Case Management Computer System, Utah Department of Workforce Services Project Name: Utah’s Next Generation Labor Exchange (GenLEX)
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Integrated Workforce Information System Dena Al-Khatib Program Development Specialist, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
Integrated Workforce Information System New digital information system will improve service to job seekers, employers, and public and private workforce funders: Better connect job seekers to job openings Create efficient tools for workforce service providers to assist their clients Capture information on clients and services across the workforce system Enable informed decisions about program and strategy investment
Cook County Workforce System 130+ Workforce Service Providers UI Blended Funding Sources WIA TANF CDBG / CSBG Voc Rehab Private Grants Siloed Data Systems IBIS & JobLink IWDS WebCM EdLink IES ECM Separate Data Owners IDES DCEO The Partnership IDHS DFSS Various Private Funders TAA
State System Interfaces IWIS Vision 130+ Workforce Service Providers IWIS Case Management, Employer Services & Workflow Functionality State System Interfaces JobLink (Employer Services) IWDS (WIA) WebCM (Voc Rehab) Data & Reporting Performance Management Funders Program Evaluation
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Electronic Ohio Means Jobs (e-OMJ) Mark Birnbrich Project Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation
Challenges - why Ohio submitted WIF proposal OhioMeansJobs Challenges - why Ohio submitted WIF proposal Reduced Resources Funds (State/Local) Staff Serve more Employers Individuals Increase Quality/Quantity/Standards of Services Communicate/Interface with more Workforce programs
OhioMeansJobs WIF Solution: Virtual Self Services Easy to find/use icons Customized outreach Connections with back- end Case Management systems Using proven third party products
OhioMeansJobs Current Project Status Random Assignment - 700+ participants to date Evaluation operates in 11 of 88 counties (4 onsite; 7 electronic, just got approval to expand mid- July) System is deployed Statewide
OhioMeansJobs Lessons Learned: Support from Executive Management If you build it, they may come! Partners K-12, Veterans, SNAP, Child Support, TANF, Unemployment Insurance, BWC, etc Centralized Services Support Outreach strategy Training Communication Business Re-Engineering
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Utah’s Next Generation Labor Exchange (GenLEX) Elizabeth Carver Grant Manager and Program Manager for the Labor Exchange and Case Management Computer System, Utah Department of Workforce Services
Utah & Montana Next Generation Labor Exchange Service Delivery Challenges: One stop locations Large geographic areas Limited transportation Limited staff Out dated Labor Exchange system Few system updates Lack mobile friendly versions
Utah & Montana Next Generation Labor Exchange
Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven Innovations Presenter Chat Presenter: Dena Al-Khatib, Program Development Specialist, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership Project Name: Integrated Workforce Information System Presenter: Mark Birnbrich, Project Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Project Name: Electronic Ohio Means Jobs (e-OMJ) Presenter: Elizabeth Carver, Grant Manager and Program Manager for the Labor Exchange and Case Management Computer System, Utah Department of Workforce Services Project Name: Utah’s Next Generation Labor Exchange (GenLEX)
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Speakers’ Contact Information Presenter: Dena Al-Khatib, Program Development Specialist, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership Email: dalkhatib@workforceboard.org Phone: (312) 603-7093 Presenter: Mark Birnbrich, Project Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Email: mark.birnbrich@jfs.ohio.gov Phone: (614) 644-0783 Presenter: Elizabeth Carver, Grant Manager and Program Manager for the Labor Exchange and Case Management Computer System, Utah Department of Workforce Services Email: ecarver@utah.gov Phone: (801) 514-1017
Find resources for workforce system success at: Thank you! For more information on the Stakeholder Engagement Series, please visit: http://innovation.workforce3one.org/ Find resources for workforce system success at: www.workforce3one.org