4a Amana Ferro, Senior Policy Officer European Anti Poverty Network EU Policy Update March 2016 Amana Ferro, Senior Policy Officer European Anti Poverty Network
Outline The Context – The EU in crisis 4a Outline The Context – The EU in crisis Developments on Europe 2020 and the European Semester Other policy developments – Employment and Social EAPN Action – Europe 2020 and other policy initiatives
The Context: EU crisis continues 4a The Context: EU crisis continues GREXIT: Third bailout programme, first review of it coming up. Simultaneously, Greece is dealing with waves of asylum-seekers are refugees reaching its shores. Pension cuts discussed. MIGRATION: European Council Conclusions (18 February) – stem the flows and reinforce borders. Refugees can’t choose which country they go to. BREXIT: Cameron manages to secure deal with the EU, which includes limited in-work benefits for EU citizens working in the UK. Referendum scheduled for 23rd June. SECURITY & TERRORISM: Top priority after the Paris attacks in November – tightening borders, combatting radicalism CLOSER ECONOMIC UNION FOR THE EURO ZONE: 5 Presidents Report is still the main framework, European Pillar of Social Rights to contribute to the social dimension of the EMU. DEEPENING OF THE INTERNAL MARKET: Investment Plan, Digital Agenda, Labour Mobility, Capital Market Union, Energy Union etc.
Europe 2020 – European Semester Annual Growth Survey Annual Growth Survey (together with Joint Employment Report, and Alert Mechanism Report) came out in November – same three priorities: relaunching investment, pursuing structural reforms, responsible fiscal policies. Europe 2020 in a separate box, not mainstreamed; some positive rhetoric about social investment, but undermined by the rest – coherence? Joint Employment Report – detailed analysis of the poverty target – but what follow-up / mainstreaming? EAPN prepared a full response + letter to President Juncker and letter to the December EPSCO.
Europe 2020 – European Semester EPSCO Council – 7 December Discussion on the AGS: social and economic priorities are strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence Conclusions adopted on the promotion of the social economy as a key driver of economic and social development in Europe Conclusions adopted on social governance – social and employment impact assessment, strengthening the social side of the Semester, Europe 2020 targets, civil society engagement.
European Pillar on Social Rights Scope: Delivering a Social Triple A for Europe (5 Presidents’ Report); Social Dimension of the EMU; Euro area + others if they want General line: ignoring social policy is too expensive for the economy Content: Four areas: the future of work (digitalisation, uberisation etc); equal opportunities (employment of women=; links between social and economic development (social policies as a productive factor); social rights. Process so far: 27 January – Commission holds Social Orientation Debate; DG Employment prepared a draft, rejected by Juncker – now in the hands of the Secretariat General; Alan Larsson – special advisor 8 March: Consultation paper out, underpinning a public consultation that will take place till September-October, leading to a White Paper in early 2017. Consultation: The paper will look at trends and statistics and divergences in Member States, and the consultation will be about asking stakeholders what is behind (root cause) of these imbalances.
Other Policy Developments 4a Other Policy Developments Pillar on Social Rights: Background paper and consultation coming up Europe 2020 Mid-Term Review & 2030 Development Goals: Proposal to link the Europe 2020 Mid-Term Review with the 2030 development agenda; Commissioner Timmermans preparing a document for a “sustainable Europe” – end March (public communication? internal working document?) Mobility Package: Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive, coordination of social security systems; out before the end of the year Work-Life Balance: A Roadmap was launched in August 2015, followed by a public consultation, which ended on February 17th; next steps to be defined Platform on Undeclared Work: Brings together the Commission, social partners and EU national authorities in charge of combating undeclared work; purpose: exchange information and best practices, promote training for staff, identify common principles for inspections; Parliament and Council need to endorse it. Mid-Term Review Multiannual Financial Framework: Commission proposed a Roadmap in December 2015; review scheduled for the end of the year.
EAPN Action on the European Semester / Europe 2020 High-Level Event of the Luxembourg Presidency and the EESC – Common Social Values, Principles and Social Governance (November) High-Level Reflection Group on OSE & UvA research: Further Socializing the European Semester: Moving forward for the social Triple A (November) Semester Alliance Stakeholder Dialogue, with EC (SecGen) & SPC (Nov) Letter to the EPSCO Council, highlighting AGS, LTU, and Social Pillar (Dec) EAPN Response to the proposal for a Recommendation on Long-Term Unemployment (December, also attached to above letter) EAPN Response to the Annual Growth Survey & Joint Employment Report (Dec) Letter to President Juncker on the AGS and upcoming Social Pillar (December) Letter to Commissioner Timmermans (SDG Watch group - February) Semester Alliance hearing in the European Parliament on the Semester, with ALDE and S & D (March)
EAPN Action – Alliances and Other Initiatives EMIN 2 – Application is being developed with Patrizia Brandellero and Anne Van Lancker + meetings with potential partners Energy Poverty / Vulnerable Consumers – Response to questionnaire (energy poverty, indicators for it, measures to tackle it) Roma Inclusion – Attended meeting with the stakeholder group; EAPN CZ responded to civil society shadow questionnaire Social Platform – Participation in Task Forces (social standards, services, EU funding, civil dialogue, human rights) and thematic ad-hoc meetings Investing in Children – EAPN supported a successful written declaration in the European Parliament (414 MEPs signed) + letter to European Council Living Wage Campaign: Webpage on the EAPN website, Facebook page, logo (translated in 5 languages), 2-page leaflet (in translation) 3 March 2016 – Event in the European Parliament on Social Innovation, launching EAPN booklet, discussion with Commission and stakeholders
Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Amana Ferro Senior Policy Officer amana.ferro@eapn.eu