Disaster management in Indonesia – lATMA MPAT TE 30 – B. Wisnu Widjaja Deputy Head for Prevention and Preparedness National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB) Jakarta, April 21st 2017
ContentS Background National System for Disaster Management Disaster Management Organization and Emergency Response Complex Emergency Organizational Structure
background Indonesia is located in disaster prone area, therefore it can be considered as a Laboratory of Disasters. Intensity of disasters is increasing and becoming more complex, it is encouraged to use multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach in integrated and coordinated manner. Tsunami Aceh 2004 has become a wake up call for Indonesia to establish its own National System for Disaster Management where it then emphasized the necessity and urgency of a more comprehensive disaster management system. Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management was then established on April 26th 2007 as the basis to develop the said system Indonesia. 3
Disaster Management Organization Emergency Response System & Emergency Response System
Introduction to BNPB BNPB is a ministry-level government organization that was established on 2008 as being mandated by Law Number 24/2007 on Disaster Management. BNPB consists of 4 (four) main technical units which are: disaster prevention and preparedness, disaster emergency response, rehabilitation and reconstruction, and logistics and equipment. In addition to BNPB, BPBDs (local disaster management authorities) were also established both in provincial and city/district levels. Presidential directives on disaster management in 2007: City/district governments are the main responsible parties for disaster management. Provincial governments are to provide resources support if needed. National government only provide assistance for extreme disaster situation. Indonesia Armed Force and Police Force must engage in disaster response. Disaster emergency response must be conducted as early as possible.
Disaster Management Organization System National PRESIDENT RI Ministries BNPB Non Ministries Institutions Disaster Management Organization System Provincial GOVERNORS Services BPBD Local DM Agencies REGENTS/MAYORS District/Municipal Services BPBD Local DM Agencies Sub District Head of Sub districts Village Head of Village COMMUNITY
Organizational structure of bnpb PRESIDENT Head of BNPB Inspector General Secretary General Training Center Data Center Deputy for Prevention and Preparedness Deputy for Emergency Response Deputy for Rehabilitation & Reconstruktion Deputy for Logistic & Equipments Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director TSU/UPT
Disaster Management & the Role of BNPB Disaster Risk Reduction Emergency Response Recovery (REHAB-RECON) Mitigation Preparedness Pre-Disaster During Disaster Post-Disaster Coordination Command Implementor Phase Function Activity
Outline of Disaster Management LAW no. 24/2007 The role of National and Local Governments Establishment of BNPB and BPBDs Roles and Responsibility of Community in DM Roles of Private sectors and International in DM DM Implementation: pre-disaster, emergency response, and post-disaster Funding and Relief Assistance Management Controlling, Monitoring & Evaluation of DM implementation
Disaster Management LAW no. 24/2007 Chapter 2, article 3 Chapter 7: Disaster Management during Emergency Phase Disaster response must be undertaken on timely manner in order to save lives of the affected population Disaster response/assistance must utilize consistent, yet flexible approach in order to adapt to the existing situation and condition, regardless of the causes, scope, location and complexity of the occurring event Disaster response activities must be transparent and accountable Article 48: Activities undertaken during emergency phase Article 49: Rapid assessment Article 50: BNPB and BPBD to have facilitated access on mobilization of human resources, equipment, logistics, etc. Article 51: Government to decide on the status / level of disaster Article 52: Rescue and evacuation of victims of disaster Article 53: Provision of basic humanitarian needs Article 54: Management of affected and displaced population Article 55: Protection of the vulnerable group Article 56: Recovery of vital public facilities and infrastructure
Government regulation no Government regulation no. 21/2008 chapter 25-27 (on mobilization of resources) Disaster Emergency Situation Head of BNPB/BPBD (authority) requests Institution/agencies (appoint decision maker authority) MOBILIZATION (request, acceptance, utilization) GOALS Rescue and evacuation Fulfillment of basic needs Emergency recovery Human resources Equipment Logistic dispatch mobilization Community “based on needs” Disaster Affected Area
Government regulation no. 21/2008 chapter 32-37 (on c.i.q.) Disaster Emergency Situation FACILITATED ACCESS FOREIGN ASSISTANCE EXEMPTION (as stated in Law & Regulation) Custom duty Tax Quarantine (except for equipment/ logistics w potential hazards) RECOMMENDATION FROM CHIEF OF BNPB LOGISTIC EQUIPMENT Visa process and services Entry permit Working permit (the longest duration should be in alignment with emergency phase) Exit permit DEPLOYMENT/Recommedation Govt of Country of Origin International Institutions International NGOs PERSONNEL Utilizing its own equipment Undertake emergency operation in the affected area Must report to immigration office /foreign affairs office
HEAD OF BNPB obtains special permits Government regulation no. 21/2008 chapter 38 (on PERMITS) Disaster Emergency Situation FOREIGN ASSISTANCE INSTITUTION/AGENCY FACILITATED ACCESS HEAD OF BNPB obtains special permits (regardless of the time and place and with the available communication means) PERSONNEL OF FOREIGN MILITARY FOREIGNERS from countries with no diplomatic relations DG Counselor – MoFA (DC) TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT FOREIGN MILITARY providing emergency assistance Ministry of Defense Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Transportation
Government regulation no. 23/2008 THE INVOLVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FOREIN NGOS IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT “EMERGENCY RESPONSE” DIRECT ASSISTANCE International Agencies/ Foreign NGOs FUNDING BNPB COORDINATION Related Agency PERSONNEL, LOGISTIC, EQUIPMENT APPROVAL BNPB MOBILIZATION FACILITATED ACCESS SUBMISSION of Info on # of Personnel, Logistics, Equipment, Site of Operation (before, during or immediately after the assistance arrives Immigration Custom Quarantine Permits
Agency Administrators/ Executives Provision of required clearance/permits, etc NATL M A C CMOC AHA/ OSOCC DIVISION OF AUTHORITY BETWEEN NATIONAL, PROVINCIAL, AND MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT Government MAC to host OSOCC/AHA Center/ CMOC to support Area Command allocate resources as required by each IC Nat. Resources PROV Province Area Command Coordination through Planning Section District/ City CITY IC District IC IC.......
Thank you Jalan Pramuka Kav. 38 Jakarta Timur – Indonesia 13120 +62 21 29827793 +62 21 21281200 contact@bnpb.go.id www.facebook.com/bnpb.indonesia @BNPB_indonesia BNPBindonesia bnpb.go.id