A work of art always has three essential components: Subject Form Content Form- Total arrangement of the composition i.e., organizing and composing.
‘Visual Order’ is the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees.
Structural Principles of Creating Visual Order The Elements of Design & The Principles of Organization
The Principles of Organization: The development of Form Involves media and techniques and uses The Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Value, Texture & Color which are organized according to The Principles of Organization: Harmony Variety Balance Proportion Dominance Movement Economy
Elements of Design Line Shape Value Texture Color
We are all line makers Scratching , Graffiti, Doodling
Our lives are greatly influenced by line
What is LINES?
A line is a mark made by a tool as it is drawn across a surface. e.g. the tool can be almost anything — a pencil, a pointed brush, a computer and mouse, even a cotton swab.
Provides a visual path for the eye to follow e.g. suggest movement, leading eyes up, down, side-to-side, around
Line can indicate object and their relationships e.g. it can show direction and imply movement in time and space
Line has the power to suggest mood e.g. light hearted, sad, funny, tragic. Line can reveal individuality and uniqueness of the artist.
Line TYPES: STRAIGHT LINE bold power formality steadiness stability
Line TYPES: CURVED LINE soft gentle graceful youthful
HORIZONTAL LINE e.g., stability, relaxation, serenity, rest Line DIRECTION: HORIZONTAL LINE e.g., stability, relaxation, serenity, rest
VERTICAL LINE e.g., tension, readiness Strength, support, dignity Line DIRECTION: VERTICAL LINE e.g., tension, readiness Strength, support, dignity
DIAGONAL LINE Line DIRECTION: e.g., action, vitality, instability, agitation, motion Also when lines slant upward there is sense of strength, expectation, positive energy. When lines slant downward, it delivers less energy
Line DIRECTION: ZIG-ZAG e.g., confusion, excitement, nervousness
Quality of LINES?
QUALITY of Line: THIN LINE - More elegant, gentle, delicate, fragile
THICK LINE QUALITY of Line: Sense of stability, more forceful, provides hierarchy
There are three types of lines: Actual Line Implied Line Psychic Line
Actual Line Easiest to recognize because it usually defines a shape
Implied Line Suggest visual connections, it is the line that is not there; they form geometric shapes or give away the infinity of a line, creating organizational structure.
Psychic Line Not a line which is seen, but one which is felt as a mental connection that exists between two elements.
In The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, shows psychic lines where two of the apostles in the front of the picture are looking at each other. This is called the line of sight. This creates a psychic line going horizontally because, even though there isn’t, the viewer’s eyes tend to see a horizontal line.
Meaning of Lines Different types of lines can give you many different feelings and emotions based on the way it is drawn, colored, sketched out, painted or illustrated. Line weight also plays a role; thick, medium and thin as well as straight, dotted, hatched and others.
Meaning of Lines Strong lines, weak lines, straight, curvy and others can influence the visual perception.
2 different emotions are created by just making different kinds of strokes and line type (weight and size).
Name the emotions that you feel after looking at these images:
Function of LINES in our lives
Jewelery, Household Items, Sculptures
Fashion Design, Textile and Fabric
Native Art, Mask Design
Nail Art
Graffiti Art
Furniture Design
Cartoon Characters
Thank You!
CLASS EXERCISE: LOOKING FOR LINES 1. You are required to observe your surrounding and draw four objects that depict lines; two (2) objects inside the building (man made) and two (2) objects outside the building (nature) 2. Firstly, use your phone to take those four pictures and translate them into four drawings. Use different point size of pencils or shade the lines accordingly to show the physical characteristics of the lines you found (show the thin and thick lines). (Keywords: Horizontal line, vertical line, diagonal line, zigzag line and curve line) Minimum requirement: One A4 paper for interior building and one is for the nature outside building (Minimum 5 types of lines and maximum 10 to be on one oice of paper with those two boxes)