Petra Kurucz, International Coordinator 28 April 2017 Examination Period Petra Kurucz, International Coordinator 28 April 2017
Deadlines Terminology Process of exam registration Common issues To be discussed Deadlines Terminology Process of exam registration Common issues
Deadlines Payment deadline: 24 April 2017 Exam registration: from 2nd May 2017 Examination period: 22nd May-24th June 2017 Resit Exam Week: 26th June-1st July 2017 Registration for Resit exams: 19th June-30th June 2017 Sign in period for Autumn: 24th July-6th August Planned course registration: from 22nd August Planned start of the Autumn semester: 18th September/11th September
Terminology Preliminary examination: Full-time students may take a preliminary exam in the given subject during the last week of the term-time A preliminary exam shall be considered to be an exam taken in the examination period for which the general rules pertaining to regular exams shall be applied Registration for the preliminary exam shall take place via ETR. In case the student fails to do so, he/she cannot participate in the preliminary exam.
Terminology Remake exam: A remake examination is the repeat exam of a previous successful exam in the given examination period. A remake examination can be taken only on one occasion in each subject. The remake examination fee needs be settled via ETR in advance. By registering for a remake examination, the student renounces his/her previous exam grade and METU shall consider the grade gained at the remake exam to be valid. If the student fails to appear at the remake exam, his/her previous grade shall be considered to be final.
Terminology Missed exam: In case the student does not cancel his/her examination registration via ETR in due time and fails to appear at the examination, it is considered as a missed exam. The obligation to pay the costs of the missed examination may be rescinded in case the student certifies within 5 working days after the missed exam that his/her absence was justified. In case the student cannot register for an exam date due to the lack of places until the fifth week of the examination period, he/she shall register for the subject again if it was registered for as a compulsory subject. If the student fails to record his/her name and EHA code (student identification number) on the written examination paper, the exam qualifies as a missed exam and it has to be repeated in accordance with the rules pertaining to missed examinations.
Terminology Repeat exam: A repeat examination means the retake of an unsuccessful exam in the given examination period. The repeat examination fee shall be paid via a VPOS terminal/ETR. An unsuccessful exam may be repeated only twice in the given examination period. METU is not obliged to offer new repeat exam dates in case the student has several repeat exam dates in several subjects at the same time.
Terminology Resit examination week: The last week of the examination period is the resit examination week. It is scheduled exclusively for repeat and remake exams. First exam cannot be taken during the repeat exam period
The process of exam registration The student shall register for an exam date in each subject from 2nd May Exam registration happens via ETR Examination registration, modification and cancellation shall be done not later than 24 hours prior to the exam. Registration/Deregistration/Date alteration Occuring procedural fees need to be settled before confirmation of the exam
Repeat/remake/missed exam registration Select the available date in ETR under exam registration Go to the Finances tab and pay the fee Go back to the exam registration and confirm the date Check your exam schedule
Possible charges Repeat and remake exam fee: HUF 5250 Missed exam fee: HUF 16 000
Main issues Illness Lack of exam registration Payment issues (VPOS vs. Bank transfer) Missing ID, EHA code, name Final exam vs exam Exam registration block Fees to be paid
Thank you for your attention and enjoy the summer!