External Examiners day UWE Bristol External Examiners day Presentation by Jenny Dye, Director of Quality, Learning and Teaching, Health & Applied Sciences Judith Ritchie, Director of Quality and Enhancement, Environment & Technology 11th January 2017
External Examiners Chief EE appointed to a cognate group of programmes. Non-modular EE: Single tier exam boards. Field EE appointed with responsibility for a module or specified group of modules within a named field.
Roles and responsibilities of the Chief EE Award Board Attendance Progression and achievement Conduct of award board Overall assessment process and parity of approach to assessment. Annual Reporting
Roles and Responsibilities of non modular external examiners Appointed to an award, attend award board; responsibilities as for Field EE Where also appointed as chief; Oversight of other EE’s appointed to the award As for chief EE role
Roles and Responsibilities of the Field External Examiner Ensure assessments are properly conducted Ensure standards/levels are appropriate Participate in Field Board decision-making e.g. consideration of any adverse cohort circumstances Report on the effectiveness of assessments and the conduct of the examining board Report any matters of serious concern arising from the assessments which put at risk the module standard
Activities may include: Reviewing assessment tasks /tools Sampling the marking of student work Expected documentation Placement visits for professional practice modules Hearing the student voice Attending Examination Boards Acting as a critical friend to the module / programme team Writing an Annual Report for the University
The Assessment Cycle Policy All quality processes related to assessment setting and marking will be found in the ‘Assessment Cycle’ Full cycle Internal marking options Moderation requirements Guidance on sample selected Aggregate mark guidance Links to annual monitoring
Assessment Cycle Policy External moderation summary; EE sample moderation; 10% of cohort scripts; min 6 max 12. Where EE has oversight of collaborative provision they should also receive a sample as above, clearly identified as collaborative provision. EE provided with related documentation e.g. module handbook, evidence of moderation, assessment, marking criteria, module report – prospective, retrospective.
Field EEs are not permitted to; Attend Award Boards (unless a PSRB requirement/appointed as non-modular EE also) Be involved in Award Board decisions regarding student progression and achievement (unless a PSRB requirement/appointed as non-modular EE also) Change marks for individual students Name individuals in their annual reports
Regulations Late Work Extensions reasonable adjustments. Three types of modules; Standard/project/professional practice Late Work Extensions reasonable adjustments. Extenuating Circumstances Adverse Group Circumstances Assessment Offences Other policies.
Later sessions/workshops Specific details, processes e.g. when and how EEs have access to student work provided in later sessions/ workshops. If unclear then ask when you meet with staff after lunch. Any questions?
Case 1 MCQ paper – 50% weighting of a module assessment; post exam it appears that one seminar group (one sixth of the cohort) were shown a previous MCQ paper in their pre exam revision session. When this paper was compared to the paper actually sat, ¾ of the questions were identical. What advice might you give the module team?
Case 2 What are your questions/considerations? You are EE for a module that is delivered at UWE and at 2 FE colleges (collaborative provision). During external moderation you note the following statistics; What are your questions/considerations?
Breaking it down - analysis What is the evidence? Does the evidence support the concern? Does the board agree? What is the impact? If a potential impact is agreed – should any action be taken? If yes, what actions are available?
Possibilities Analysis of student performance – current and comparable cohorts mark uplift - %age versus actual Impact of changing marks – fail ↔ pass Rigour; have LO’s, professional standards been met Other solutions; No action, resit uncapped etc